My gut reaction is that this is pathetic.

You hear of teams that find new ways to lose games. That would be a welcome break from the monotony of losing game after game because of a complete inability to hit when runners get on base.

We saw in 2007 a nearly impossible situation, losing a 7-game lead with 17 games to play. This year we’re seeing something almost as unlikely, as the Mets are on pace to post the worst results with RISP in 47 years, one currently held by the expansion San Diego Padres, a team that lost 110 games.

Sacrifice a chicken, pick the lineup out of the hat, have the manager get thrown out arguing the first pitch – it’s hard to come up with a suggestion more helpful than these because there’s simply nothing to be done. In the meantime, we’re treated to uninspiring baseball.

James Loney and Neil Walker each had two hits, with the former delivering a solo homer. Alejandro De Aza had a pinch hit which got him above the Mendoza Line. Steven Matz battled to pitch a Quality Start.

The game still stunk.

16 comments on “Gut Reaction: Rockies 6, Mets 1 (7/29/16)

  • Chris F


    • Zach

      Exactly. Sell everything not nailed down.
      Get matz his bone spur surgery now.
      Shut syndegaard down now so his bone spur does not get worse.
      Get Degrom some rest so he can get his velocity back.
      Cabrera is 31 going on 75 and looks dead tired at shortstop
      Granderson is 38 going on 75 same in rf
      Cespedes can barely walk up the dugout stairs but terry Collins runs him out there
      Reyes has an intercostal which takes 3 weeks to heal but he’s not on the dl
      Walker was burned out but got some rest and looks better. Sell him too

      • Chris F

        As I’ve been saying for a week or two, that is exactly what I would do. I’m even good for a solid trade like for Lucroy because it carries Next year too. Also, it is time to promote Herrera and Cecchini to see who will play 2B.

        Every FO decision needs to be focused on improving the team for 17-18 seasons

  • TexasGusCC

    At this point, I’d rather hold onto our prospects than think that a bat will make the difference. Last year when the Mets got Uribe and Johnson, they also got Conforto and d’Arnaud at about the same time. So, they added four bats. Then, you add Cespedes and that’s more than half your lineup. Then in late August, you upgrade from Uribe to Wright. Adding any one bat at this point, probably won’t make enough of a difference.

  • Eric

    Wow, did the Murphy decision backfire in their faces. I didn’t think it would to this extent.

    • Zach

      Murphy is an idiot. If he was so smart he would’ve taken the 16 million in a qual offer and be making double what he makes now. He is being paid 8 mil by the nats this year which is lower than the 8.3 million he made with the mets. If he was smart he would’ve bet on himself and took the qo for 16 million and then signed a monster contract in free agency

      • Name

        Certainly in hindsight it’s easier to say this.
        But if asked last season, 9 out of 10 people polled would have agreed that Walker is a better player than Murphy.

        • NormE


  • Billy

    Time for TC to go!! How many more bad decisions is it going to take before they fire Collins and give Wally Backman a shot?? … I guess when your best friend is your boss you don’t have to worry about your job… He doesn’t know how to use his bullpen, his best hitters are sitting on the bench, and he lets his players talk him into making bad decisions… Time to go

    • TexasGusCC

      Very first day in college, my professor tells the class that 80% of the people in the world aren’t qualified to have their job. It’s not what you know but who you know. Of course, that is as several thousand and a few school loans ago.

      Collins can certainly attest.


    I have been saying this for months. The Mets front office decision not to resign Daniel Murphy is the worst front office decision any Mets front office has ever made. It should now be apparent to every Mets fan that if you decide to remove a bat like Murphy’s from the line up an equal to better bat must be acquired. I agree with Brian – the Mets are now officially “pathetic!”

  • Jimmy P

    When does that “soft” schedule start again?

  • Jimmy P

    Mets needed versatile RH bat all winter — I wanted Steve Pearce, who signed for only $4 million — but Mets never filled Cuddyer role.

    Frustrating that they are finally in trade talks for him now, with so much of the season gone and the cost rising.

    • Name

      Good for Pearce that’s he’s having a good year, but it’s because of BABIP that he has such a shiny average.
      Otherwise, you have a guy who is in the same mold as the rest of the current team, who we are all complaining about : slow, low BA, looking for the HR.
      At $4.75 mil he’s an expensive super-sub role player, considering his season high in games is 102 and he was coming off a bad season last year

  • Metsense

    A three game losing streak will always show the warts on a team and show the ire of the fans. The team is 2.5 games out from the wildcard but they are not hitting with RISP. Threre are three days left before the trade deadline to shake things up.
    There is one player who has had a bad few months that will be lost without compensation at the end of the season. He is in the way of a younger, faster player with significant upside. Trade Walker for the best you can get for him and let Dilson Herrera with the safety net of Johnson and Flores man 2B. This move is not going to make an impact in the playoff race as it is strictly a business move.
    The other shakeup is to get Lucroy because TDA is not carrying his workload. A relief pitcher as good as Robles and a RH veteran outfield bat would fulfill the wish list. TC also needs to creatively shake up the batting order just because the current order that he has put out there continually fails with RISP. I think he attempted that with TDA batting second.

    • Jimmy P

      He’s also overworked Cabrera.

      I do hope for a new manager next season.

      Also worry that because the Mets farm system is in such a shambles, that these minor trades will be difficult to achieve.

      Trade Walker: Yes, if there’s a market. If there is not, there’s no value in giving him away. What team needs Neal Walker right now?

      Trade Granderson: Yes, if the idea is to absolutely retain Cespedes, who must play a corner OF spot next season. Again, same question. What team is taking on this player, and this contract, at this point in time?

      If we are trading guys to make room, the question has to be: To make room for whom? The idea of getting younger, cheaper, and worse is not that appealing.

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