So, we’re approximately a week removed from the end of the Mets’ 2011 season and already fans are feasting on the possibilities the 2012 season could bring them.

After a full year to see his new team up close, GM Sandy Alderson now has a good handle on what he is dealing with. He now has the unenviable task of upgrading the 2012 roster while also working on a budget.

Who does Alderson keep, who does he dump/trade? Where do the Mets need upgrades?

Outlined here is each position and how the Mets should/will approach them for the 2012 season.

The Mets don’t have anyone on the farm who could help them next year, and it’s doubtful that Alderson will go the free agent route, so the catching position should remain status quo. Josh Thole took big leaps in his game in the second half. Hopefully there is carryover there, and word is the Mets love the defense Mike Nickeas gives them and that they would turn a blind eye to his offensive ineptitude.

First Base:
The Mets will certainly address this position internally. The odds are, barring a setback from an ankle injury,  Ike Davis will reassume the position. There is a surplus of options here, hence making a trade involving either Davis, Daniel Murphy or Lucas Duda very possible considering first base is Murphy’s and Duda’s natural position as well.

Second Base:
At second, a lot will depend on if the Mets resign Jose Reyes. That is because if they do sign Reyes, they will almost certainly hand the reigns at second base over to Ruben Tejada, who surged down the stretch. If the Mets do not sign Reyes, the Mets will assuredly let Tejada move to shortstop, his natural position. If that’s the case, expect the Mets to scour the market for a cheap second basemen considering it’s a long shot that Justin Turner will be trusted to be the full time second baseman.

The offseason priority, of course, is resigning Reyes. If the Mets can somehow negotiate a fair deal, they will have accomplished their number one offseason priority. What kind of deal Reyes will get remains to be seen, but if the Mets can’t secure his services they do have enough comfort in Tejada at shortstop.

Third Base:
There are rumblings that this is the year David Wright is traded. Reports are that the Rockies are interested. And if the Mets do trade Wright, then this could be the position where Murphy eventually ends up. If the Mets do trade Wright, it would signify the end of an era. Perhaps a split is needed for both parties. Either way, it’s more than likely that Wright (if he stays) or Murphy (if Wright is traded) will man third base next year.

Ideally, the Mets will want to upgrade in the outfield. Unfortunately, the Mets will still likely be hamstrung by Jason Bay’s contract. Angel Pagan is also arbitration eligible. Will they non-tender him? Can the Mets do any better at center field? One possible target is Tampa Bay’s B. J. Upton.

And can Lucas Duda really be expected to play right field all season long?

As for reserves, the Mets could bring back Willie Harris and/or Scott Hairston.

How about reacquiring Carlos Beltran?

Ok, that may be a longshot, but finding an answer to the riddle that is figuring out the 2012 Mets outfield will be tough.

If the Mets want to go somewhere in 2012 they, without a doubt, have to upgrade both the rotation and the bullpen.

The hope here is that the Mets will get back a healthy and injury-free Johan Santana and somehow unload Mike Pelfrey. But that is just hope, and that won’t get you far.

Most likely the Mets will bring back R..A. Dickey, Jon Niese and Dillon Gee.

Even if they Mets resign Chris Capuano, they should still go after a starting pitcher capable of piling up innings. Maybe a Mark Buehrle?

As for the bullpen, I have already exhaustively reviewed what should be done here. To reiterate: Revamp the whole bullpen. The Mets should get a new closer, even if it has to be a tad costly.

So, as you can see Alderson has to really roll up his sleeves this time and come up with a sharp plan to improve the club for next year. It won’t be easy, but it can be done.

7 comments on “With an eye on 2012, where do the Mets go for help?

  • Rob

    If its more than 4 years with a team option for the 5th year let Jose Reyes go at 6 or 7 years this is another contract that will choke the Met’s for years. If Jose is gone look to Philly and Jimmy Rollins he is not as good in the field as Jose but brings a lot to the clubhouse plus he will be cheaper and as long as your looking at Phillie steal Ryan Madson he is a real deal closer, move Chris Capuano to the pen with Parnnel and Bydak then the pen will be shaping up.

  • NormE

    Dan, this was a good review. However, I would have included two names; Ronnie Paulino (keep him?) and Reese Havens (will he be ready/healthy?).

  • Dan Stack

    Thanks Norm! Yeah, I just don’t see the team bringing back Paulino. Just a hunch. And Havens, well he has the spring to impress the team. I look forward to his progress.
    And Rob, yeah lets not yet again be hamstrung by another bad contract. I also would be very hesitant to go beyond five years for Reyes.

  • Chris F

    Hi Dan, I pretty much agree with you right down the line. As I mentioned before, I think we need to do everything to get pitching, from rotation to closer, addressed. Our #1 guy throws 74 mph knucklers. That places a huge burden on someone that cant control location. RA is awesome, but he’s a #3 in my eyes. What follows after RA is a long string of disappointment. As you said, Johan is a question mark, but my fingers are crossed! Bull pen…brings tears to my eyes. I hope Sandy does everything to get the throwers shored up. Also agree at C. Paulino is a goner.

    Lets Go Mets!


  • Metsense

    As the team roster is presently constructed, Murphy is without a position and Duda is playing out of position. The Mets defense is bad and only gets worse when players are playing out of position. So it should be Wright or Murphy at 3B and either Davis or Duda at 1B. Like you said and Chris F concurs, the Mets need better pitching. It also appears listening to Alderson’s interviews that Paulino and Pagan do not fit his style of player. I hear the talk about next year but as a fan I don’t believe it. 2012 may be another write off and maybe too much expectations are being put on the 2013 rookie starters.

  • Edward Alvarado

    If we keep Wright I would try and get Peter Bourjos from Angels for Murphy. They do not a 3rd baseman and have two potential starting CF’s. I expect Duda to have close to 90-100 RBI’s next year if he plays every day. He drove in 50 with 330 at bats this year. I do agree he should be in LF not RF.

  • Edward A.

    The more I think about a solution for M. Pelfrey the more I think we might be able to get of all people C. Zambrano from the Cubs. If the Cubs pay the difference between his contract and M. Pelfrey for next year. It would only be for a year, they both need a change for next year. I would rather have Zambrano for next year than Pelfrey.

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