Looking deeper at Francisco Lindor’s lineup spot

Francisco Lindor has seen success this season following a slow start. This has been a typical pattern of Lindor’s time with the Mets, a slow start followed by elite production at the plate. The difference this year is that the turnaround seemed to happen when Lindor was moved into the leadoff spot in the batting [...]

Liam Hendriks could make sense as an in-season target

There has been a lot of chatter recently about the prospect of Brandon Woodruff signing with a team this offseason for a two-year deal, with the aim of spending the 2024 season rehabbing from his anterior capsule injury and making his return to the mound in 2025. Why wouldn’t there be? He’s been a terrific [...]

Looking back at Brodie Van Wagenen’s tenure with the Mets

Now that Billy Eppler is gone, and has etched his name into forgettable Mets lore, it might be just the perfect time to evaluate Brodie Van Wagenen’s performance as General Manager from October 2018 through November 2020. Yes, you read that right. While it is easy to judge a general manager in the immediate wake [...]

Brett Baty might force the Mets’ hand at third base

Following a productive trade deadline in which the Mets offloaded the likes of Justin Verlander and Max Scherzer, the Mets now have a minor league system that is bursting at the seams with talent. Despite this failed season, their ascension to the 11th spot in MLB.com’s latest farm system rankings should have Mets fans excited [...]

To have competitive starting pitching in 2025, the Mets should spend this offseason

Where were you when The Great Fire Sale of 2023 happened? If you don’t remember exactly where you were, it is still reasonable to believe the way that you felt when it happened. Any mixture of anger, frustration, and sadness is applicable to the situation. The immediate speculation was that with the significant prospect haul [...]