Matt Harvey makes his penultimate start of the season as the Mets go up against the Cardinals tonight at 8:15 PM
Is the Mets’ leading home run hitter sitting tonight?
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 8:56 pm
Not a good thing to turn the game on in the second inning and find out it’s already 3-0.
I was listening on radio and it didn’t sound like they were hit all that hard
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:08 pm
Let’s hope for an easy inning here in the third.
A broken bat single
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:12 pm
nice strikeout
nice inning
Evenin’, people
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:17 pm
Hey KJS – welcome
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:17 pm
Another K for Wright…
Wright’s bipolar season has been perplexing…hi, Brian.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:19 pm
His first half of the year was a lot of fun. Reminded us of the Wright that used to be
I love Wright, but I’m not xure if investing in him is a wise move, nor am I xure if he can fetch us much
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:20 pm
Yeah, I’m not sure people are being rational thinking he could fetch three top prospects.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:20 pm
We’ve got a rally going
bomb here please
i know…you read other blogs, they have him as a nch to re-sign or get us prospects. And hard to believe his WAR is still so high
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:23 pm
His fielding has been really good all year, which is helping his WAR
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:23 pm
We’ve got a run coming – Bay’s up!
True…i’m so old school, zdvanced stats throw me off.
long single may score 2 here
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:26 pm
I don’t think that was a strike.
It was a pitcher friendly call
Ump can’t even see if someone touched a base or not. How can we trust him to call ***** and strikes?
It goes that way though. Close enough to be hacking.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:29 pm
Hey Chris!
Gary thinks this new ump made the right call on Torres
Hey gang.
The replay was not convincing to me…but it did show the ump looking right at the play. He was in position, intentionally looking at it. Make me think he got it right.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:32 pm
Yeah Chris, that’s how I feel, too. Plus you would think the first base coach might have argued more, too.
It was clooooooose. Torres did exactly right. Im just surprised Bletran saw it something odd.
he was listening on radio and relayed the info to Matheny
I didnt like the NYT article today…they brought up Thornberry 1962..after 42 years, Im tired of Stengel-era tales.
Im in the minority that also does not favor instant replay more than its presently used. We complain a lot, but those guys get 99% + right. Thats good value…and to me part of the game. I wonder how many steal Ty Cobb REALLY got?
Ahhh, Marv. Was at the Louisville Slugger Museum the other day, and in the “bat vault” I was introduced to Marv’s bat as I was wearing my Mets hat!
In the old days. 99% is good, but in this day and age, if we can get 100% right, why shouldn’t we?
i mean. If i were commissioner, i would consider sensors down the line and on all the bases as well.
I dont think a replay changes the call yesterday. I can accept that within the game, a game steeped in history, thats sometimes how it goes. It just doesnt bother me that much and I think except in the rarest of cases (the perfect game blown call) it all evens out.
Was the museum big? How many mlb bats there?
Im sure they could wire the whole field. I just think it goes far too far.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:39 pm
My issue with replay is that it absolutely kills momentum in football, especially if you’re watching the game live.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:39 pm
And I hate the coach challenge system. If the idea is to get the call right, why limit it to a couple per half?
what do you mean for “too far”
They always missed calls. Technology just caught ambivalent on replay.
The museum was awesome. Not huge, but bats are pretty small. The “bat vault” held something like 1000 bats. I did see David Wright’s next 29 bats just about to me made though!
Maybe I’ll make a journey there one day, Chris
They make 1.8 million a year. The bat vault ends in the 1980s, when every whas sent over to digital files for the CNC latheing
I really don’t expect change because the people running baseball are people born around in the 50s and 60s. However, when people from the 80s or 90s start to take over, we may see some change because these people grew up with technology.
It was about a day’s worth. Louisville was cool so its worth the travel.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:44 pm
Bud Selig was born in 1934
Name, I just think that it wont really change the game in a real measureable way (like Ws and Ls). Im as wired as it gets and use very high tech daily at work, but I see beauty in the game played as it is. Maybe Im too sentimental, but to me its going just fine. The biggest change would be with bal ls and strikes, and thats never coming.
@Chris F: Butterfly effect
possibly, but there are many many variables
would its application invalidate all results prior to invasive replay?
Goodnight, all…hope we get back in this game
not really. In anything, there are different eras, people would just have to refrain from comparing stuff from different eras
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:50 pm
Showing pics of Keith Hernandez at the 30-year reunion of the ’82 WS team. That’s one of the underrated World Series, IMO
It’s why i don’t even like when people compare players from even 10 years apart, the game changes that fast.
I hear ya, and obviously see how replay can correct some calls. I would be in favor of something like the “red flag” where each coach gets 3 per game to use, 1 through each thrid of the game
agreed Brian
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:53 pm
If the idea is to get calls right, a coach/manager challenge system with limited uses is absurd.
i’m with brian on the challenge system. If you want to get the calls right, if there is more than enough doubt on a call the umps should automatically call the review themselves
and i would then retrain the umps to be more conservative on the call. So if a ball is in doubt fair/foul, call it fair first to let it play out, then go review it and reverse it rather than call it foul and then try to “place” the runners
I think if you cant use it for the most basic and arguably most repeated set of judgements, then why use it? I guess I just dont see the need myself. But thats just me. I also disagree there is more “errors” made…we just see so much more camera angles in HD etc. Umps in the past never had to deal with that.
I agree there. In Torres’ case, he had a single clear, if he missed the bag by a few mm then so what.
the “perfect” game for me is when the umps are “invisible”
of course. I completely agree. But they are human, and make subjective decisions.
And i’m not placing any blame on the umps. They’re human. But there’s no reason we shouldn’t do everything in our power to help them make calls
If they’re real umps, they should be open to that
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 9:59 pm
I would love it if we could get automated ball/strike calls. Not sure how realistic it is. I remember a long time ago they tried a system in Spring Training but whenever the batter touched the plate with his bat it screwed up the thing.
because their job is to protect the integrity of the game.
Oh, we’re not even close to having the technology to do automatic *****/strikes. That’s years away. But other things are much more attainable, like missing or base or not.
i think their job is to do the absolute best they can. and by and large, I believe they do.
doing your best is really kids talk. Sometimes your best isn’t enough. And i think we are getting to that point that it aint enough.
this is the inning we finally break through?
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:04 pm
On August 12th, Wright had a two-double game. Since then – coming into tonight – Wright has 3 XBH in 84 PA. He’s got a .623 OPS in that span.
in other words. Not worth 20 million a year for 8 years.
It is very scarey how 2nd half 2012 looks like 2011
No kidding. His power has dropped off dramatically. Bloop hot after bloop hit. Tejada is hitting the ball more squarely.
Tejada is striking out a lot too recently.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:08 pm
Coming into tonight, Wright had a .399 SLG in the second half.
Hey Metsense!
we like ike?
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:09 pm
And that was in 211 PA
That brings up the question. Is it better to start strong and finish weak? or vice versa
I would prefer finish strong, as the memory is longer and gets you to next season with optimism
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:11 pm
How about — start strong, address your needs via trades and finish strong?
but numbers are numbers…and it dont really matter!
good try Brian. You can only choose one.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:12 pm
New drinking game – take a big gulp every time Darling says, “That’s right!”
so Chris, You’re saying Davis will have more confidence than Wright starting next season?
DW being signed is OK as long as there is money for other players but if he is the only big player signing then trade him
I think the sense is a strong start is “lucky” and if you play well after a whole season, you are more “real”
I agree with Brian. A good GM is constantly adjusting his team
I think so. When DW comes under .300, theres gonna be lots of talk. When Ike clears 30, there gonna be lots of wanting him back
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:13 pm
Did we really need to see any more of Justin Freaking Hampson?
The Cardinals are getting their revenge for what happened here in NY
well, no.
Imagine trading Ike for an outfielder with similar #’s & Duda at 1B
Does the casual fan even know Wright is struggling?
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:16 pm
If they’re still watching the games, I don’t see how they couldn’t. But I guess if they’re still watching they’re not casual fans…
perhaps. Hampson in Tugger’s number gives me stomach pains.
not that crazy about McHugh in 36 either
Does the GM’s on other teams. The broadcasters don’t.
casual Mets fan?
the limp bats is getting old again
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:20 pm
I’m getting tired of Cohen going on and on about how great it is that the Cardinals aren’t shutting down Wainwright like the Nats are doing with Strasburg. Wainwright is 31 years old, just a little different than Strasburg, who just turned 24.
i would probably say casual fans are fans who don’t analyze player’s stats all that often. Hard to describe i guess.
Thole couldn’t hit it that far from 2B
I think Wainwright also had more time off?
The whole Strasburg thing is nauseating. Rizzo has built perhaps the best team in the NL. I trust he knows what is right for his team. They did botch the roll out of this though.
I think the Nats are going to be 1-year wonders. They have too many overachieving players on that team. Sorta like the D-backs of last year
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:23 pm
None of us know if what they’re doing is right or wrong. They’re erring on the side of caution and we’re supposed to ridicule them for doing this? Seems odd to me.
I dont think so.
D-backs ref
I don’t believe an arm is like a gun with a limited amount of bullets.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:25 pm
Then all pitchers should throw 300 IP
Pitching is not a normal motion. Eventually wear and tear will catch up and amount to an injury
As weve seen with Strasburg already. I read that Pelf started throwing today
The stress is during each individual game. That is where you limit or skip a start.
I think its cumulative too.
0-out walk…baaaad plan
Pelf won’t even be ready until mid-Mayish i think? He went down in like April and TJ takes at least 13 months i heard
yeah. hes soft tossing
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:27 pm
I’m rooting for them to re-sign him and use him like they did Chris Young this year.
Pitching 150 innings doesn’t mean you’ll have 50 left for your future.
not me Brian. I hope weve seen then end of that experiment.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:27 pm
No, but 150 may be all you can give your first year back.
I’m on the Pelfry minor league band wagon
He’s a Scott Boras guy. I doubt he’ll settle for chump change.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:28 pm
The market for guys who’ve missed virtually the entire season (and not named Strasburg) is pretty limited.
Yes, and through observation the coach should be able to tell.
for sure he wont. and I wouldnt give him more than 1M
Metsense, I wonder if by the time there is real noticeable change whether its too late.
If Pelfry can get a deal elsewhere so be it
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:29 pm
I agree, Chris.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:30 pm
Yeah, if someone wants to give Pelfrey $3 million – good luck
I just can’t see shutting down someone prearranged
Are you allowed to sign someone and put him on the DL right away? Not many people sign when they are hurt so i’m curious
Like Harvey? Wheeler?
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:31 pm
Any chance we get to see “The sucky Sam Freeman” tonight?
Its our only hope B!
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:32 pm
I know of no rule which requires you to carry an injured player on your roster to start the year.
I’m talking about the middle of a season.
see you gents in a bit. dinner dishes call!
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:33 pm
I don’t see any way that Pelfrey doesn’t sign with someone in the offseason. But to answer your question, I can’t imagine any rule that would prevent it.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:33 pm
Eat well, Chris
Really? I can’t remember the last time someone was signed who was still hurt.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:34 pm
Unfortunately, we’ve got “The rotten Ramon Ramirez” tonight.
famalia sighting!
Rauch & Ramirez is 6.5M to put back into the bullpen in 2013
elvin sighting!
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:35 pm
Yankees signed David Aardsma just this year in that situation.
DW finally had one hit by him
so most likely Pelf will have to get a minor league deal, right?
I see why Torres has a high WAR
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:39 pm
That’s what Chris Young signed this year.
with McHugh,Familia, Mejia and Wheeler, hopefully Pelfry will never have to pitch for the Mets again
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:41 pm
except Torres doesn’t have a high WAR, either version.
ok, not high, but higher than a lot of other Mets
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:42 pm
Metsense, how many of those guys do you think will develop into 200-inning SP like Pelfrey?
One maybe two.
Is 200 innings really worth it if you give a run every other inning?
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:43 pm
Big comeback and then a vulture win for Familia!
But the point was that there would be a better pitcher than Pelfry
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:43 pm
It’s definitely worthwhile to have.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:44 pm
The question is how much you have to pay for it.
I appreciated Pelfry, but hopefully we will have better
4.50 ERA was good in the early 2000s, but not anymore.
Brian, can we call the Yankees 12 a collapse even though the season hasn’t ended?
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:48 pm
But there’s room between “good” and “valuable”
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:49 pm
In 2011, Pelfrey went 193.2 IP with a 4.74 ERA and FanGraphs pegged that as being worth $3.1 million.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:49 pm
Everyone’s safe!
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:49 pm
Too early to call it a collapse but it’s always good to have a rooting interest!
did you see tonight? yanks lost and orioles won so they are even now.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:50 pm
So they’re tied?
and i’m asking if that can be considered a collapse, since they had a 10 game lead at one point
Orioles are my AL team
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:51 pm
I guess you could call it that right now but you wouldn’t be able to call it that if they end up making the playoffs.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:52 pm
Oh man – that was close to being a hit.
will we see our daily 9th inning drama tonight?
I hope so
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:54 pm
Let’s see something Jeurys
I say. Walk. K. K. Walk. Groundout
howd we score?
sac fly
Ill take anyhting
it was more like how we didn’t score
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 10:57 pm
Man, I’m loving see Mets pitchers throw 97 and 98
that bad, huh?
didn’t capitalize on an error
it looks like his fastball isn’t straight like parnell’s
as long as he con control it
this is only the beginning of seeing hard throwing pitchers
a batter who doesn’t use batting gloves!
Tapia throws cheddar at Savannah
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 11:00 pm
nice inning, rook
high 5 and a couple head slaps from DW! JF must be feeling pretty good
Lewis seems like a poor man’s Baxter.
anyone know anything about him?
i think he has good speed though.
as you can see he almost beat that throw
well Mets fans, RA for 18!!
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 11:05 pm
Fred Lewis? The guy who played a bunch with the Giants a few years ago?
Im sick of the pocket pulled out on JV.
getaway game. So good chance some players are going to resting.
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 11:06 pm
Think they said DW would get the day off
good night – it was a pleasure sharing thoughts
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 11:06 pm
Good to see you in the chatter again, Metsense!
jV wildly hacking again!
Brian Joura
September 4, 2012 – 11:07 pm
Day game tomorrow – see you then.
3 series winning streak is over
ok gang. LGM!
Is the Mets’ leading home run hitter actually sitting tonight?