Brian Yesterday at 7:10 pm
First time against the Phillies and we get them with a depleted lineup
Trea Turner on the IL
Neither Schwarber nor Realmuto playing tonight
But on the flip side, we’re playing Bader
Nido just hit Harper with a ball supposed to go to Manaea. Never seen that before
Good first inning for Manaea – just a bloop to Harper.
Mets display their Citi Field offense in the first
Mets are going to lose this challenge. Alonso with a poor throw to Manaea covering first. He was safe
Brian Yesterday at 7:29 pm
Marte didn’t play that ball all that well. Phils with two runners in scoring position with no outs
comebacker for an out
Metsense Yesterday at 7:31 pm
Hi Brian
Brian Yesterday at 7:32 pm
K for 2nd out
Hey Metsense!
Ugh – all that work to get in a good spot and a drag bunt for an RBI
Metsense Yesterday at 7:33 pm
Manaea just nibbles
Brian Yesterday at 7:33 pm
to the 9th-place hitter
Metsense Yesterday at 7:35 pm
No more damage.
Brian Yesterday at 7:35 pm
1 run when they had runners on 2nd and 3rd with no outs is a solid outcome. But the way it happened…
Metsense Yesterday at 7:36 pm
It was his own fault
Brian Yesterday at 7:38 pm
Pete with another XBH
Metsense Yesterday at 7:38 pm
He is not In hibernation No more
Brian Yesterday at 7:40 pm
tie game!
Metsense Yesterday at 7:40 pm
Mendoza Lights to 1%
Mendoza likes to bunt
Brian Yesterday at 7:43 pm
Bader becoming a walk machine
Metsense Yesterday at 7:44 pm
He still has a 637 OPS
Brian Yesterday at 7:47 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 7:47 pm
We have a lead
Brian Yesterday at 7:48 pm
Bader’s got a terrible walk rate but has 3 here recently.
Metsense Yesterday at 7:50 pm
Stewart Should Platoon With Bader
Brian Yesterday at 7:50 pm
With his walk tonight, he has a 5.1 BB%
Metsense Yesterday at 7:59 pm
Double down
Brian Yesterday at 7:59 pm
My system crashed
But looks like Manaea had a good inning. And Marte doubled?!?
Metsense Yesterday at 8:00 pm
Lindor walks
Brian Yesterday at 8:01 pm
Pete with another chance to do damage
OK, JD time to make them pay
Metsense Yesterday at 8:06 pm
Bags are full
Let’s cash in
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:06 pm
Why didn’t Marte and Lindor try a double steal?
Brian Yesterday at 8:07 pm
Lindor wanted to
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:07 pm
He was staring at Marte willing him to go
small ball baby
Brian Yesterday at 8:08 pm
Phillies better get someone up
Metsense Yesterday at 8:08 pm
Walk this way
Brian Yesterday at 8:10 pm
Baty is floundering
Metsense Yesterday at 8:10 pm
He is disappointing
Brian Yesterday at 8:10 pm
be nice if our lefty masher came thru
Bader blows
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:13 pm
Brian Yesterday at 8:13 pm
certainly an eventful inning
Metsense Yesterday at 8:14 pm
McNeil And baty Has job security Because They are backed up Wendell
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:16 pm
Why is McNeil batting 8th? I’d
Brian Yesterday at 8:16 pm
It’s getting close to Vientos time
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:16 pm
Put him ahead of Baty
Metsense Yesterday at 8:17 pm
Vientos and Bannon are in Syracuse
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:18 pm
He’s mashing at Syracuse – I’d bring him up. Who gets sent down?
Metsense Yesterday at 8:19 pm
That is a good point
Albert Yesterday at 8:20 pm
135 with the bases loaded
Brian Yesterday at 8:20 pm
Baty goes down
Albert Yesterday at 8:20 pm
Yep this team can’t hit
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:23 pm
Agree on Baty
Metsense Yesterday at 8:24 pm
Me too
Brian Yesterday at 8:24 pm
Bader does something!
Metsense Yesterday at 8:24 pm
no room for Bannon
Brian Yesterday at 8:26 pm
How is he defensively?
Metsense Yesterday at 8:27 pm
I don’t know about him I know He has Good season And he’s 28
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:27 pm
we knew we got Bader for defense and that’s exactly what we get. But we took a very capable CF and moved his glove and bat over to left. How much better is Bader than Nimmo in CF. I think Nimmo is a strong left fielder and it’s a good move for the team. Not getting a bat to go with the D is shortsighted
Metsense Yesterday at 8:29 pm
At this point in their career Taylor is a better Fielder Then Bader
Brian Yesterday at 8:30 pm
The thing that impresses me about Bader is that he seems to have a strong arm.
Metsense Yesterday at 8:32 pm
Satisfied that Bader Is a platoon player
Not an everyday player
Albert Yesterday at 8:32 pm
I don’t think Taylor is a better CFer than Bader
Brian Yesterday at 8:33 pm
please change your user name
Metsense Yesterday at 8:33 pm
Bader Has the reputation
And he is a good fielder
Albert Yesterday at 8:35 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:35 pm
Taylor has more RBI than Bader in 29 less ABs and a third less Ks.
Brian Yesterday at 8:35 pm
good inning for Manaea. Should have a shot to go 6
I haven’t seen a lot of Taylor in CF but I like what I’ve seen.
Metsense Yesterday at 8:36 pm
He definitely should go 6
Taylor is the fastest Player on the team
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:37 pm
Bader makes $10 M while Taylor pulls in a paultry $2 M
Metsense Yesterday at 8:37 pm
That’s not my problem
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:38 pm
only one walk off Manaea through 5!
Metsense Yesterday at 8:39 pm
83 P
Brian Yesterday at 8:40 pm
Nice for JD
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:40 pm
So maybe one more inning with someone loosening up
Metsense Yesterday at 8:41 pm
JD Is heating up
776 OPS Play as Alonso
Same as Alonso
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:44 pm
Baty has not hit in several games and he Ks about half the time over the last week. He’s not helpful
Brian Yesterday at 8:46 pm
Tough matchup tonight as Sanchez has dominated the LHB. But like you say, it’s more than just tonight as bad for Baty
Albert Yesterday at 8:47 pm
neither ar Nido,Baty,McNeil Marte,Wensleydale,this team can’t hit
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:48 pm
Hard not to be jealous of the Dodgers. The top seven starters all have an OPS over .800 and Betts is at .980 and Ohtani is at 1.090. We need some of that.
Brian Yesterday at 8:49 pm
Manaea did his job tonight.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:50 pm
He sure did. Now the end of the order needs to help out.
Metsense Yesterday at 8:51 pm
Marte is average but is trending downwards
Name Yesterday at 8:51 pm
wow! a lead
forgot what that feels like
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:51 pm
Bader must have heard us
Metsense Yesterday at 8:52 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:53 pm
almost looked like if he had kept hold of the base, he would’ve been safe
Brian Yesterday at 8:53 pm
If only Bader was half as good as he thought he was
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:55 pm
Evening Mets fans
who stole the mets and put these uniforms on them?
Name Yesterday at 8:58 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 8:58 pm
I thought it was the uniforms that Brian was referring to In his article
Name Yesterday at 8:58 pm
now let’s make the Phillies pay for that
Brian Yesterday at 8:58 pm
gotta be an E1
The City Connect ones are so bad that they make these look tolerable
Name Yesterday at 9:02 pm
so the Philly manager lets his pitcher go 108 today because he’s under 6 IP, but last time out he completes 7 in just 89 pitches and yanks him. I don’t get it
Albert Yesterday at 9:02 pm
BA has fallen out of favor,how about OPS? What is average OPS?
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:04 pm
but Im not crazy, these are new unifomrs yeah?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:04 pm
Is a good player
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:04 pm
whethers thats average would be intersting to know.
Name Yesterday at 9:05 pm
league OPS is .698 so far
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:05 pm
I think they consider an average player to hit between 700 and 800
Albert Yesterday at 9:06 pm
And what is average? How many Mets have a 800 OPS? How many have the average OPS?
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:06 pm
league avg is .698
beat me to it name
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:06 pm
So then, the Dodgers having a team OPS of .784 is amazing
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:07 pm
and Mets .682 is fairly…ummm, help me out here
Albert Yesterday at 9:08 pm
asp they don’t hit!
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:08 pm
Average. But average always goes home in the fall.
Albert Yesterday at 9:09 pm
682 ain’t average
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:10 pm
Its not much below the league average
Metsense Yesterday at 9:10 pm
This year it is
Name Yesterday at 9:10 pm
use OPS+ or wRC to account for park factors. Mets as a team are at 100 OPS+ and 101 wRC, so right on average
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:11 pm
And there we are back to needing more timely hitting. We left too many sitting in scoring position.
Albert Yesterday at 9:11 pm
Meanwhile the Mets blowing the lead
Name Yesterday at 9:15 pm
i don’t think Marsh would have scored
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:16 pm
They would have thrown him out at the plate.
Brian Yesterday at 9:16 pm
Ottavino with the bounceback outing
Metsense Yesterday at 9:17 pm
0 for O
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:17 pm
good one metsense
Metsense Yesterday at 9:18 pm
thanks Chris
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:19 pm
Zero putting up zeros?
Brian Yesterday at 9:20 pm
Gary unaware of the 100-pitch boogeyman
Metsense Yesterday at 9:20 pm
zero for Ottavino o fot O
Name Yesterday at 9:21 pm
soon we’ll be saying the 90 pitch boogeyman
Metsense Yesterday at 9:22 pm
That’s for sure Name
Brian Yesterday at 9:22 pm
Zack Short will be this year’s Adeiny Hecchevarria
Name Yesterday at 9:22 pm
contributing to that teams are eschewing older pitchers in favor of younger ones, who are being handled like fine china
what did Short do tonight?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:23 pm
I’m glad that Scott Is going Into the 7th In his starts
Brian Yesterday at 9:24 pm
Gary just said he had an RBI double in a scoreless game
Metsense Yesterday at 9:24 pm
Let’s cash in
Brian Yesterday at 9:26 pm
I’d be in favor of treating pitchers who are 22 with kid gloves. But they treat every pitcher like that.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:27 pm
We needed they
Name Yesterday at 9:27 pm
Brian Yesterday at 9:27 pm
got the run back
Metsense Yesterday at 9:28 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:29 pm
whats your thinking about Bader Brian?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:30 pm
No momentum
Name Yesterday at 9:31 pm
blowout wins are sure hard to come by with this team
Brian Yesterday at 9:32 pm
whats your thinking about Bader Brian? 😉 He’s, um, um, a fine young man
Metsense Yesterday at 9:32 pm
Any win is sure Hard to come by
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:33 pm
We should be up by 5. Based is good to his mother ??
Metsense Yesterday at 9:34 pm
I know Nimmo Is good To his mother
Before that Last night
Brian Yesterday at 9:35 pm
Sword? They should call it a Marte
Name Yesterday at 9:35 pm
Otto got 5 outs on 11 pitches. very nice
Metsense Yesterday at 9:36 pm
0 for O again !
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:40 pm
not the worst black jersey offering Ive ever seen. better up close than far away. but just totally unnecesary
Otto back on the train dealing nasty stuff
@Brian hahahahahahhahahahahha
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:41 pm
Diaz has his work cut out for him
Brian Yesterday at 9:44 pm
And he makes it even harder
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:44 pm
man, oh oh
Metsense Yesterday at 9:44 pm
He is not Invincible
Albert Yesterday at 9:44 pm
Oh boy
Need the DP
Metsense Yesterday at 9:45 pm
Trouble is brewing
Brian Yesterday at 9:46 pm
Are they booing the Philly fans or Diaz?
Albert Yesterday at 9:46 pm
Double Steal?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:46 pm
I’m booing Diaz from my couch.
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:46 pm
Brian Yesterday at 9:46 pm
Get Garrett loose
Albert Yesterday at 9:47 pm
too late now
Metsense Yesterday at 9:49 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:49 pm
all in now. 1 out left
yikes that was a stril
what a lousy call on appeal
Name Yesterday at 9:53 pm
welcome back 2019 Diaz
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:53 pm
well, welcome to 2024
Metsense Yesterday at 9:53 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:57 pm
Lindor, Alonso and Martinez. We only need one run.
Metsense Yesterday at 9:57 pm
Brian Yesterday at 10:01 pm
indication of our luck right there
Name Yesterday at 10:02 pm
we need #2 JD
Brian Yesterday at 10:05 pm
fans still booing Diaz
Name Yesterday at 10:07 pm
no trade value and soon no marketing value
Brian Yesterday at 10:07 pm
But they get to pay him 3 more years
Albert Yesterday at 10:09 pm
Love that trumpet
Name Yesterday at 10:10 pm
umps have been a disaster in the 9th
oops, this is the 10th
Albert Yesterday at 10:11 pm
should be playing for DP
Brian Yesterday at 10:12 pm
They didn’t distinguish themselves in the 9th, either
Albert Yesterday at 10:13 pm
can they score with ghost runner
Name Yesterday at 10:14 pm
can they score with ghost runner i was hoping that meant the Mets got a triple play
Brian Yesterday at 10:16 pm
that’s got to be a good omen
Too bad the bottom of the order is coming up
Metsense Yesterday at 10:16 pm
Miracles happen
Name Yesterday at 10:17 pm
there’s always the walk off error
gotta love Wendle
Albert Yesterday at 10:19 pm
Which is why you don’t bunt
Brian Yesterday at 10:19 pm
Wendle finding new ways to disappoint
Gus Yesterday at 10:19 pm
Hi guys. Have you been more infuriated by a game this year?
Amen Brian
Brian Yesterday at 10:19 pm
speaking of disappointing – here’s Bader
Gus Yesterday at 10:19 pm
I would cut him tonight
Bader playing more because he cried to the press. That used to be a no-no. Now you play all the time.
Brian Yesterday at 10:20 pm
OK, McNeil, time to pull a Nimmo
Metsense Yesterday at 10:21 pm
Wendle I Was disappointed When he signed the contract
Name Yesterday at 10:21 pm
Zack Short would have gotten the bunt down
Metsense Yesterday at 10:22 pm
Jose Ingelias would
Name Yesterday at 10:22 pm
.500 denied
Brian Yesterday at 10:22 pm
We know why Mendoza was playing the infield in. He knew the bottom of the order was due up
Metsense Yesterday at 10:22 pm
Very disappointing loss
Brian Yesterday at 10:23 pm
Day game tomorrow
Metsense Yesterday at 10:24 pm
they are struggling Reach 500
Thanks for the chatter Good night
Name Yesterday at 10:25 pm
Phillies tried to give this game away but the Mets didn’t want it