The Citi Field offense reared its ugly head, as the Mets managed just two runs on four hits and fell to the lowly Marlins, 4-2, Tuesday night.

A two-run double by Mark Vientos gave the Mets a 2-1 lead in the second inning. But that was the extent of their run scoring for the night. And for all intents and purposes it was the end of their offense, too. After a leadoff walk in the seventh inning, the next nine Mets went down in order to end the game.

Tylor Megill racked up a bunch of strikeouts but he couldn’t hold the lead he was given and ended up taking the loss. He was pulled with two outs in the fourth inning, after giving up some loud contact, in addition to the lead. Maybe he could have finished the inning. But anytime there’s half a reason to pull a starter early, you know Carlos Mendoza will take it.

The bullpen did a fine job, allowing just a run in 4.1 IP. It’s just the idea of asking the pen to go four or more innings every night is not a good thing. Maybe David Peterson will throw a pitch in the seventh inning tomorrow. But you wouldn’t want to wager on it.

10 comments on “Gut Reaction: Marlins 4, Mets 2 (6/11/24)

  • TexasGusCC

    Wouldn’t it be cool if the Mets had a base stealer to lead off and create something? Wouldn’t it be cool if the #2 hitter wasn’t hitting his weight? Wouldn’t it be cool if they showed a pulse?

    • Mike W

      Its hard to win when your number 1,w and 3 hitters are all below .240.

      • Steve_S.

        And the strikeouts by Nimmo and Alonso!!!

  • NYM6986

    No pulse. What a great description. Does anyone else think Bader should have made that catch even with Nimmo on top of him? It’s like we know we are a bad team so let’s not get hits off the Marlins starter and his higher than 5.0 ERA. Absurd. 0-12 from the first three spots in the order against a team who had only won 22 games before tonight. If Petersen starts in the third he should def still be there in the 7th. On to tomorrow!

    • TexasGusCC

      I missed it! When was that? Was it another Bader moment of wanting to catch everything no matter who is just waiting for the ball?

      • Brian Joura

        It was in the fifth inning, when the Marlins scored two runs. It was a ball hit in the gap that probably either Bader or Nimmo could have caught if the other wasn’t there. Bader dove so Nimmo pulled up. The ball hit the outside of Bader’s glove.

        • TexasGusCC

          Thank you Brian. I didn’t see that part of the game and when I saw they lost, I didn’t care about watching the videos (I’m a very gracious winner, sore loser fan). So, I hadn’t seen it. If the Mets didn’t have bad luck this year, they wouldn’t have had any at all. Remember on Chris Taylor’s squeeze bunt against Ottavino? One foot closer or higher, and Ottavino catches it in the air, and the Mets will win because the runner was way down the line. A game of inches… whatever.

  • ChrisF

    We’re only 3.5 back from the WC. This team needs a short run and we’re in baby!


  • T.J.

    Home sweet home.

  • Metsense

    Gut Reaction : Megill had a lead going into the 5th and he ran out gas. Three hard hit balls and two runs and Mendoza pulled him after 87 pitches and rightly so. Four of his 5 starts he hasn’t pitched more than 5 innings. Butto had 7 starts with four of them he pitched more than 5 innings. They have similar ERAs and WHIP.
    Vientos keeps hitting and accumulates more RBIs.
    Danny Young has another fine outing.
    Marte still hits LHP and has a .886 OPS vs LHP.
    And the Mets still lose another game at Citi Field.

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