Brian Yesterday at 7:11 pm
May the Quintana-Alvarez pairing pay off again
A first-pitch HR for Altuve
Brian Yesterday at 7:21 pm
Mets get a gift strike call there
What an ugly inning for Quintana
Mets incredibly fortunate to only give up the one run.
Lindor with the leadoff walk
Nimmo walks and we have a rally
JDM squibs one that the pitcher fields. He looks to 3B for the force but no one’s there. Bases loaded with no outs for Pete
Alonso swings at 2 pitches out of the zone to whiff for the first out
Alvarez with a SF and we’re tied
Brian Yesterday at 7:45 pm
And Quintana adds to his high pitch count with a leadoff walk to start the 2nd.
No further damage by Q has 54 pitches after two innings
Astros SS having the TV interview. Ball popped up between 3B and SS and neither one got it. Gift hit for McNeil
SS was far from the play
And McNeil picked off
Pinky strikes out to end the inning
I get why the Mets didn’t challenge that one but I’d bet money that if they looked at it frame by frame that he came off the base at some point.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:06 pm
We need to Quintana to have a good start so we can trade hi.
Him away.
Brian Yesterday at 8:06 pm
Hey Steven. Just hoping now that Q can throw 5 IP
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:07 pm
Remember when they said Alvarez could play D
Brian Yesterday at 8:08 pm
I certainly remember. I was advocating for him to make the Opening Day roster and people were very condescending towards me saying his defense wasn’t good enough.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:08 pm
I put forth that they needed his bat and could suffer along with his defense. He sure has worked hard to improve his defense, and even when he makes an out these days he knocks in a run
I will venture to say that because this game is on Apple TV we might have a small group in the chat tonight
Brian Yesterday at 8:11 pm
I prefer to think that it’s the weekend and they’re all out partying
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:11 pm
Met fans don’t party lol
nice article about these two managers who were roommates in the minors a long time ago
Brian Yesterday at 8:12 pm
I dunno – I was as hard drinking as any of the players back in the 80s.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:12 pm
married at 24 – slowed down the process for me. ‍♂️
Brian Yesterday at 8:14 pm
How many years you’ve been married now?
And I’m glad to hear about your grandson
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:15 pm
Hope you are sitting for this one – 43 years this past April
appreciate that.
Brian Yesterday at 8:15 pm
Congrats! I had my 25th earlier this year
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:16 pm
Same to you. Kids these days call it quits when the going gets rough versus working through it. I’m pretty lucky.
Brian Yesterday at 8:17 pm
I’m lucky too
2nd walk for Nimmo. Glad to see him getting walks again
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:20 pm
I’m glad they signed him long term
Quintana looks strong. He could go out for the 5th
Brian Yesterday at 8:25 pm
Not sure how far ahead of me you are but he’s at 88 pitches
Pinky makes it a harder catch than it had to be
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:26 pm
I think we are on the same time. I say off that last inning they got a throw them out for the fifth. I now realize who everybody calls pinky, but I didn’t realize it before. Why do they call Bader Pinky?
Brian Yesterday at 8:28 pm
His batting gloves and body armor have pink in them
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:28 pm
Marte who????
Brian Yesterday at 8:29 pm
We’re not getting very good swings so far
And we’re tied again.
Taylor had a hard-hit ball his first time up, too
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:31 pm
I think Taylor is the best defensive replacement to put out in RF
Brian Yesterday at 8:32 pm
Yes, he’s a pretty good defensive player at all 3 OF positions
But I think DJ Stewart is better defensively than people give him credit for.
I’d rather see him in RF than Marte
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:33 pm
he was surprisingly good when he came up last year. Reminds me of myself-underestimated but a decent ball player-not a star though
Brian Yesterday at 8:34 pm
Just got the picture you sent me. Nice family. Are both of the kids married?
Q is back out there
He gives up a hit and is yanked.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:37 pm
Yes. Leslie is the first one, got married in 2020 and her son Luca had the surgery. Her youngest Cameron is 7 months old. Samantha is three years younger and got married in 2019. Sons Max, almost the same birthday as Luca she has 6 week old Jack. Lynda’s the boss next in line.
So much has changed in less than 5 years ‍♂️
Like to see O go two innings
third time through. never understand why a picture can’t adapt and pitch differently the third time through
Brian Yesterday at 8:41 pm
Can’t adapt when they’re rarely given the chance
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:42 pm
Let them throw 110 pitches. They almost get a week off then
I’ll be up in a few to find it
Oops wrong text for you
Brian Yesterday at 8:45 pm
still want to see Otto go 2 IP?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:45 pm
if he gets out of it yes
yes bring him back out
Brian Yesterday at 8:48 pm
I’m not sure. But the best thing is if he comes out for another inning, Mendoza definitely won’t use him tomorrow.
Pinky goes down swinging
Dedniel Nunez in
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:58 pm
Maybe saving him for tomorrow or the next day
Brian Yesterday at 8:59 pm
Should never pitch Otto back to back
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:00 pm
I know he’s old but pitchers are so fragile these days
Brian Yesterday at 9:00 pm
Now, I hope to see Nunez back for another inning or two
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:01 pm
mets rank 10th in turning DPs but they seem to do it quite often
Brian Yesterday at 9:03 pm
All those walks give them the opportunities
Gus Yesterday at 9:04 pm
Hi folks! I didn’t know starting pitchers are allowed to pitch in the sixth inning.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:04 pm
They need Quintana to throw more strikes. Bartolo used to throw too many
Gus Yesterday at 9:04 pm
Oh wow!
Lucas Duda Jr.!
Brian Yesterday at 9:04 pm
Butto and Scott did it and their reward was a trip to AAA
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:05 pm
If Alonso gets going this will be a very dangerous lineup. Hey Gus
Brian Yesterday at 9:05 pm
Gus Yesterday at 9:05 pm
if you hang a slider, he will
Kill it
Anything else, and he is wind milling
Hi Steve
Brian Yesterday at 9:06 pm
Gus, we’re you ok with how the Power Rankings turned out?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:06 pm
Must be the dollars they are paying Houser and Quintana and that they are vets that they keep throwing them out there. At least Houser is in the pen now
loved Duda except for that throw in the 2015 series
Brian Yesterday at 9:07 pm
nice hustle from Alvarez
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:07 pm
Smart play
Gus Yesterday at 9:07 pm
Yes, burning rubbber all the way
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:08 pm
guess we shouldn’t trad for Bregman. Vientos did that the other day and got blasted for it
Gus Yesterday at 9:08 pm
im so glad they are on AppleTV. Otherwise, I’m blacked out again
Brian Yesterday at 9:08 pm
Bregman looked like Vientos on that one
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:09 pm
time for Squirel to step,up
Brian Yesterday at 9:09 pm
Maybe he can get a lucky bloop again
Gus Yesterday at 9:10 pm
Notice the approach from Blanco and from Quintana. Blanco will tease, but not much. Quintana will
Do nothing else
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:11 pm
Nice battling at the plate
Gus Yesterday at 9:11 pm
double steal?
with the two slowest guys in the lineup?
oh wow
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:12 pm
Holy shit
Gus Yesterday at 9:12 pm
oMG for real
Brian Yesterday at 9:13 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:13 pm
love how it auto corrected sh*t
Brian Yesterday at 9:13 pm
Good things happen when you pull the ball into the OF, Jeff
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:13 pm
not sure if I’m shocked that he hit a homer or he actually pulled the ball. Off the bat it looks like it was just gonna be in the corner
Brian Yesterday at 9:14 pm
3 HR in the game now. Loving this power surge
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:15 pm
theyve done that a lot lately. And other than Pete, those two are not the HR guys
what a play
Brian Yesterday at 9:16 pm
Poor Pinky
Gus Yesterday at 9:17 pm
Be back soon
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:18 pm
Nunez gets another inning
So all three ru s were unearned because of Bergman’s error
Brian Yesterday at 9:20 pm
Unearned. But real and spectacular!
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:21 pm
nice play even he didn’t throw him out
Brian Yesterday at 9:24 pm
K Zone showed it as a strike
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:24 pm
Meyers argued three times and kept turning around. But he doesn’t get tossed!
Brian Yesterday at 9:25 pm
That’s ok – we want Myers in the game to keep on striking out
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:25 pm
Does the K Zone adapt for different size batters?
Brian Yesterday at 9:26 pm
I’ve never heard for sure but I’d be surprised if it didn’t
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:26 pm
you would have to think that the strike zone for Altuve is much different than Aaron Judge
Brian Yesterday at 9:27 pm
I love the picture from a few years ago showing them standing next to one another.
It was like Shaq and Mugsy Bogues
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:27 pm
Classic- great comparison
Brian Yesterday at 9:29 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:30 pm
surprised Megill is getting the start tomorrow
Brian Yesterday at 9:30 pm
Hopefully Houser’s ready to pitch 3 innings
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:31 pm
love that Vientos. Can you see Baty going at the deadline to snag a reliever?
Gus Yesterday at 9:32 pm
I’m baaaaaaack
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:33 pm
Score three in your absence
Brian Yesterday at 9:34 pm
It better be a good reliever
Gus Yesterday at 9:35 pm
No to trading Baty for a reliever. Make Megill your closer tonight and get someone else going tomorrow. They had two off days anyway
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:35 pm
Agree. Don’t want to give him away. They’d get more for him in the off-season. Not sure how well he is playing 2B I.
in syracuse
Brian Yesterday at 9:35 pm
last box score I saw he was at 3B
Those running Mets
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:36 pm
That’s a waste. But a few games I watched on tv his second base seemed very awkward as if he was just too close
I want more runs
if I go to a game with my wife, she wants to know where all the good food is. When I go with my oldest daughter, we doesnt wanna leave the seats because we want to watch the game. Guess who I like going to games better with
Brian Yesterday at 9:38 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:40 pm
ump is very consistent with that low strike
Gus Yesterday at 9:40 pm
So, Baty was at 3B tonight and had a 1-4. He is at .351 for the year. Butto went seven innings…
There goes Duda Jr.
Men on base: strikeout
Butto with a very good outing.
Brian Yesterday at 9:41 pm
Do you know the rest of Butto’s line?
Gus Yesterday at 9:41 pm
Houck went 3-5
5 hits, 2 earned
Brian Yesterday at 9:42 pm
Nice – thanks
Gus Yesterday at 9:43 pm
Two walks and five K’s
Here is our next captain
Brian Yesterday at 9:44 pm
Can/will they do that while Lindor is still productive?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:44 pm
8 HR in 17 games at Syracuse ops 1.148
Gus Yesterday at 9:45 pm
I thought of that, but when Alvy is 25….
ah shit
Lindor will be 33.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:45 pm
Almost a back breaker there.
Gus Yesterday at 9:45 pm
it better to get the younger kid
Brian Yesterday at 9:45 pm
I was turning on the caps lock
Gus Yesterday at 9:46 pm
Ohtani is so good, I’m starting to hate him
Ohtani = Tom Brady
Brian Yesterday at 9:47 pm
Did you see the ball boy catch?
Gus Yesterday at 9:47 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:47 pm
Ohtani is great but what if he can’t pitch?
Brian Yesterday at 9:48 pm
Guessing it was a foul ball. Anyway, ball boy makes a great grab and if he doesn’t, it clock Ohtani
Gus Yesterday at 9:48 pm
thats good
Brian Yesterday at 9:48 pm
Then he’ll just be a 7-WAR hitter
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:48 pm
How smart is Mendoz
Gus Yesterday at 9:48 pm
i am not selling him short
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:48 pm
Pulling Vientos for some D
Gus Yesterday at 9:49 pm
I think Mendoza is quite intelligent. Just needs to make the mistakes and learn
Brian Yesterday at 9:49 pm
Cooper Hummel – he was a Met briefly this past offseason
Gus Yesterday at 9:50 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:50 pm
Did you see the Iglasies video song?
Brian Yesterday at 9:50 pm
The guy who just hit for the Astros
Gus Yesterday at 9:50 pm
y’all remember Joey Wendle and Zack Short?
Brian Yesterday at 9:51 pm
No, I saw the 10-second promo clip. I’m quite sure I’m not the target audience.
Too soon for that question, Gus. This time next year…
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:52 pm
So the Cubs signed Nido and the Astros sign Narvaez.
Brian Yesterday at 9:53 pm
Well, I guess neither of those teams are making the playoffs
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:53 pm
I am not but liked seeing all the Mets get on the dance floor at the end
Any reliever worth poaching from the Whitesox?
Torrens was quite a signing
Brian Yesterday at 9:54 pm
I can see grabbing Nido because he can bunt and throw a little. Not sure what Narvaez brings to the table
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:55 pm
He got old in a hurry
Gus Yesterday at 9:55 pm
Nara expect was a minor league deal to get info
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:55 pm
That’s how desperate both teams were for a backup
Yes it was
Brian Yesterday at 9:56 pm
I like the pictures of the guys who played for both clubs. Nice tough, Apple
Gus Yesterday at 9:56 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:56 pm
depth piece. Pretty cheap since the Mets were on the hook for most of the salary
Gus Yesterday at 9:57 pm
it was a nice touch
the squirrel found an acorn
or found his acorn
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:57 pm
additions you see where Verlander is unlikley to get enough innings to trigger an option year? That will save us money.
Brian Yesterday at 9:58 pm
I still don’t know if we’re out of the woods there
Gus Yesterday at 9:58 pm
Hopefully. He is at 57 innings so far
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:58 pm
McNeil needed this night
Brian Yesterday at 9:58 pm
A minimum IL stint and he still has a shot
Think that was a fair ball
Yes, definitely
Nice play by their RF
Poor Pinky
NYM6986 Yesterday at 10:02 pm
Gus Yesterday at 10:02 pm
clutch hit Frankie
NYM6986 Yesterday at 10:02 pm
im so pissed they made us suffer so much in May
Brian Yesterday at 10:02 pm
Everybody hits. Except Pinky
NYM6986 Yesterday at 10:03 pm
not in the mood for any injuries
Gus Yesterday at 10:03 pm
JD also was quiet tonight
Metsense Yesterday at 10:04 pm
7-2 wow
Brian Yesterday at 10:04 pm
3 HR
Brian Yesterday at 10:12 pm
This seems like a Buck Showalter move. Why bring Garrett in with a 5-run lead?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 10:12 pm
Captain Hook
Diekman only threw 8 pitches
Good out at first
Put it in the book. Way to cool down the Astros
Brian Yesterday at 10:18 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 10:18 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 10:19 pm
Brian want me to take a shot at the gut reaction?
Brian Yesterday at 10:23 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 10:23 pm
Working on it now
Brian Yesterday at 10:24 pm
OK – disregard my email
NYM6986 Yesterday at 10:46 pm
Nice chat guys. So much more fun than when we are all agonizing how badly they were playing