Brian Yesterday at 11:10 am
Ugh, Mets wearing white hats, too.
1 pitch, 1 out
Better 1st inning for Quintana than last time out.
Brian Yesterday at 11:32 am
2 IP, 24 pitches for Quintana.
Name Yesterday at 11:32 am
lots of long flys though
Brian Yesterday at 11:34 am
ESPN has 3 GB and 3 FB
Name Yesterday at 11:35 am
rare hit for McNeil
Brian Yesterday at 11:37 am
I’m not giving up on him yet
What about Pete Rose? He wasn’t fast
If you’re going to talk about Quintana’s splits, you need to mention his results with Alvarez catching
Name Yesterday at 11:45 am
the hitters have it out for Q
the offenses agree it’s too early for baseball
Brian Yesterday at 11:49 am
Hopefully Quintana can ride the sluggish offenses to a 6-7 IP start
That’s a great line – I don’t care how hard you throw ball 4
NYM6986 Yesterday at 11:55 am
Morning everyone. Nice start so far by Q
Name Yesterday at 11:56 am
the Mets haven’t given the walk message to the pitchers
Brian Yesterday at 11:57 am
Hey Steven
NYM6986 Yesterday at 11:59 am
Irvin certainly mowing them down.
DP! Let’s score some runs.
Name Yesterday at 11:59 am
i blame the time of day
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:00 pm
Poor babies can’t wake up and play at 11? We all get up and get to work at 8 and our day lasts longer than 3 hours.
Name Yesterday at 12:02 pm
they can get up, but doesn’t mean they have the same energy at 11am as they do at 1pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:03 pm
I get all that and yes it’s a 162 game grind and they are in the middle of 2.5 days off without
But it’s still a game.
Where is Martinez today?
Brian Yesterday at 12:06 pm
Giving him the day off.
No injury
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:07 pm
Good to hear
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:14 pm
Third walk
Name Yesterday at 12:17 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:17 pm
Abrams is a good young player the Gnats got shipping Soto to San Diego
Brian Yesterday at 12:17 pm
And Gore and Wood and two more
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:19 pm
Wood seems like he will be a good player as well and makes the league minimum – Abram’s makes slightly more
I know it’s a righty but McNeil continues to look lost.
Name Yesterday at 12:24 pm
Abram seems very inconsistent
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:25 pm
Abrams is hitting .280 with an ops over 850 with 14 HR and 43 RBI 20 doubles and 14 steals. I’d take him right now and out him at 2B
Name Yesterday at 12:30 pm
992 April OPS, 517 May OPS, 1.127 June OPS
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:31 pm
Bad May. He could have been on the Mets
Brian Yesterday at 12:32 pm
Name Yesterday at 12:36 pm
seemed destined for extras yet again
Brian Yesterday at 12:37 pm
Wonder when the last time the Mets had a game that went extras tied 0-0
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:38 pm
Hopefully just one more inning out of Irvin. Can’t see the Gnats pulling him because their pen is worse than ours
they’d have gotten a DP if they let it drop. Adam’s was heading back to first
Brian Yesterday at 12:44 pm
Odd that they didn’t send the trainer out
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:45 pm
great 7 by Q
Brian Yesterday at 12:46 pm
ERA down to 4.22
Name Yesterday at 12:47 pm
they said he was in bed by 9pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:47 pm

Brian Yesterday at 12:47 pm
It was 5.29 earlier this month
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:47 pm
Seems the Mets offense is still in bed
Does Q start the 8th.
Name Yesterday at 12:48 pm
Mendoza likes to bring Houser in a fresh inning
Brian Yesterday at 12:49 pm
I doubt it. But maybe Mendoza does his favorite move of having the pitcher go out but yank him as soon as a runner reaches base.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:50 pm
irvin would like that single back from McNeil
Name Yesterday at 12:51 pm
they would be stupid to yank Irvin
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:52 pm
99 pitches but I’d have him start the 9th
good call on Houser
Name Yesterday at 12:55 pm
7 IP 1k, when was the last time that happened?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:56 pm
Name Yesterday at 12:56 pm
oops says Mendoza
6 HR in 23 AB? dang
Brian Yesterday at 12:56 pm
Maybe not a good call bringing in Houser when he had to face Winker
Maybe that will make the Nats take out Irvin
NYM6986 Yesterday at 12:57 pm
House should have pitched around him considering he kills Houser
Mcneil’s got to get this party started
damn. On to Pittsburgh
Name Yesterday at 1:04 pm
1 measly hit
couldn’t overcome the morning blues
ChrisF Yesterday at 1:05 pm
why did this game start at 10 am eastern?
Name Yesterday at 1:07 pm
11 eastern
ChrisF Yesterday at 1:07 pm
Why pitch to winker? Honest to god it’s like there’s no one watching who is playing
Ok why 11 eastern?
Name Yesterday at 1:07 pm
i just realized sub 2 game. 1:58
ChrisF Yesterday at 1:08 pm
ah that’s why I thought it started at 10