Brian Yesterday at 3:11 pm
Nimmo with a much-needed day off
Lindor with a leadoff double
Metsense Yesterday at 3:13 pm
Let’s get the Coors field Offense Started
Brian Yesterday at 3:13 pm
Two batters, two doubles, 1-0 Mets
Metsense Yesterday at 3:13 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:14 pm
Hello, peoples
Brian Yesterday at 3:15 pm
Hey Rick – welcome
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:15 pm
In case you’re wondering, I’m using wife’s computer
Brian Yesterday at 3:15 pm
Is this Jose?
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:15 pm
Si, senor
Brian Yesterday at 3:15 pm
Three doubles, 2-0 Mets
Metsense Yesterday at 3:16 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:16 pm
These announcers make Keith and Ron sound like they belong in the broadcasting HOF
Metsense Yesterday at 3:16 pm
Hi Jose
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:17 pm
hola, amigo
Brian Yesterday at 3:17 pm
Mets announcers —
New York Mets @ Colorado Rockies[1] – STRFISH
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:17 pm
You guys know, i hope, that mi nombre es Rick
Metsense Yesterday at 3:17 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:17 pm
no outs, 4 zi
Brian Yesterday at 3:18 pm
Now this is what we expect at Coors
Metsense Yesterday at 3:18 pm
I’ll drink to that
Make it a Coors
Brian Yesterday at 3:18 pm
Peterson is pitching, so no surprise the offense shows up
Metsense Yesterday at 3:20 pm
Why bunt????
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:20 pm
what do you guy think of broadcasters for other tea
Brian Yesterday at 3:21 pm
prefer GKR
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:21 pm
In my limited exposure, cohen appears top notch
Metsense Yesterday at 3:21 pm
That’s better
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:21 pm
But Briann has said that bKeith causes dementia in viewers
Brian Yesterday at 3:22 pm
right – prefer GR
Keith’s more tolerable as the 3rd voice. It’s fine then when he disappears for 10 minutes at a time
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:22 pm
The other team announcers are painful to listen to
Keith is 75 years old, correct
Brian Yesterday at 3:23 pm
sounds about right
Metsense Yesterday at 3:23 pm
70 I think
Rick JM Yesterday at 3:24 pm
I thought he was born in 1948
1948 can’t be right
Metsense Yesterday at 3:24 pm
Nice start Dave
Brian Yesterday at 3:30 pm
He’s come out firing
Metsense Yesterday at 3:32 pm
Over/ under 6.8 runs for the Mets
Brian Yesterday at 3:33 pm
take the over
Metsense Yesterday at 3:33 pm
Me too
how about 9.8
Brian Yesterday at 3:34 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 3:35 pm
over Because the Rockies have no bullpen today
Brian Yesterday at 3:35 pm
Mets will tire themselves out hitting
Metsense Yesterday at 3:35 pm
It’s the altitude
Brian Yesterday at 3:38 pm
It’s not the makeup or the way that you dress; it’s not your appearance, they all detest; It’s not your manners that you gotta improve; Ooh, it’s your altitude
Metsense Yesterday at 3:39 pm
That is a good Rotation
Brian Yesterday at 3:39 pm
too bad they can’t hit
Metsense Yesterday at 3:41 pm
I’m glad because We are going to Seattle
Brian Yesterday at 3:43 pm
Braves getting stomped. If Mets win, they move ahead of them in the standings
Metsense Yesterday at 3:44 pm
That would be really nice
They finally catch up to the braves And the Phillies Are Winning
Brian Yesterday at 3:45 pm
I’d be pretty happy if the Mets made the playoffs and the Braves didn’t
Metsense Yesterday at 3:47 pm
I’m thinking of going to see Them In Atlanta At the end of September
Brian Yesterday at 3:47 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 3:48 pm
It is not firm yet
Brian Yesterday at 3:51 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 3:51 pm
ALONSO agaib
Brian Yesterday at 3:52 pm
Q made his way into the post-homer OMG photo
Metsense Yesterday at 3:53 pm
Photo Bomb for Q
Taylor made it look easy
Brian Yesterday at 3:58 pm
Mendoza knew what he was doing putting him in LF
And Lindor follows with a good play, too
Metsense Yesterday at 3:58 pm
Mendoza isn’t a dummy
He is a rookie
Brian Yesterday at 4:01 pm
Just can’t get a 1-2-3 inning
Brian Yesterday at 4:08 pm
Even the Mets’ outs are hard hit
Metsense Yesterday at 4:08 pm
They are rockets
Brian Yesterday at 4:08 pm
rockets in the rockies
Metsense Yesterday at 4:09 pm

Brian Yesterday at 4:13 pm
Taylor with another nice catch
Brian Yesterday at 4:22 pm
Kept Pete in the park but couldn’t keep him off base
Metsense Yesterday at 4:23 pm
Brian Yesterday at 4:23 pm
The first over has cashed
Metsense Yesterday at 4:24 pm
Of course I have the parlay also
3 more runs
Brian Yesterday at 4:25 pm
the good news is they’ll bat in the 9th
Metsense Yesterday at 4:26 pm
For you Brian
Brian Yesterday at 4:34 pm
Now would be a good time for a double play
Metsense Yesterday at 4:35 pm
Come on Peterson Finish it off
I thought that was a salami
Brian Yesterday at 4:36 pm
Didn’t think it was hit that well off the bat. But Taylor to the rescue
“This is not a good umpiring crew.”
Metsense Yesterday at 4:39 pm
K for Peterson
The umpire missed 17 calls last night
Brian Yesterday at 4:41 pm
Everyone hits
And that 17 may be conservative
Metsense Yesterday at 4:42 pm
It was the worst This year
According to the umpire score card
Brian Yesterday at 4:45 pm
back-to-back bad ABs there
Brian Yesterday at 4:58 pm
You get to say your line!
Metsense Yesterday at 4:58 pm
O for 0
He is reliable
He has experience also
And he is Pitching Better than Stanek
Brian Yesterday at 5:01 pm
Yeah, if they cut Otto instead of Stanek, I won’t be happy
But one of the lefties should be the first to go
Metsense Yesterday at 5:02 pm
That is a given In my Book
The Youngs are Pitching good also
Brian Yesterday at 5:05 pm
Yes, it won’t be an easy decision(s)
Metsense Yesterday at 5:05 pm
Youngs and Brazban have options
Brian Yesterday at 5:07 pm
What’s your opinion of the Power Rankings we’ve been doing at the site? Good? OK? Not worth doing?
Metsense Yesterday at 5:11 pm
I didn’t read today. It’s hard to wrap my mind it.
Brian Yesterday at 5:12 pm
What do you find difficult?
Metsense Yesterday at 5:15 pm
You have to be An avid fan of Of the whole MLB teams
Are you getting a lot of feedback?
Brian Yesterday at 5:17 pm
Interesting. I don’t feel like you have to be an avid fan. You can learn something about teams you don’t really follow.
Very little feedback. I thought it would be something that added value to the site.
Metsense Yesterday at 5:17 pm
Last week I learned about Seattle But They also are on the immediate schedule
So it is useful
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:19 pm
About your power rankings
Brian Yesterday at 5:19 pm
Meanwhile, Stanek makes his case to stay
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:19 pm
I very much approve
Brian Yesterday at 5:19 pm
Thanks Jose
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:20 pm
I am often annoyed by what FG and ESPN do
Much of the ratings are based on feelings, including the slobberings often expressed over teams that have experienced greater than normal luck
Metsense Yesterday at 5:21 pm
I’m more interested about the rankings of The top 15 teams
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:21 pm
Also, the ratings by you and Gus are decidedly not biased in favor of the Mets
Brian Yesterday at 5:21 pm
It’s not an easy column to write. But I thought people would share opinions on what we got wrong…
The bottom 3 are the easy ones!
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:23 pm
Recently, one of ESPN’s ratings were not based on what their written words commented about
the blurbs were assessment of how well they did before trading deadline
Brian Yesterday at 5:23 pm
I like the layout of ESPN’s box scores. Tough to say I like a lot more than that about the site
Metsense Yesterday at 5:25 pm
Lets get 3 runs more!
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:25 pm
BTW, just yesterday, I thought CHW’s manager was the least likely to be canned because management might have thought it was better not to draw fans’ ire by deflecting blame
Then this morning, Grisfol (/) was toast
Brian Yesterday at 5:25 pm
It’s amazing to me that he lasted this long.
Metsense Yesterday at 5:26 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:26 pm
Could you really blame the mgr? The players’ perfromances were terrible
Brian Yesterday at 5:26 pm
But once the GM fires the manager, he’s the next one on the chopping block.
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:26 pm
Didn’t CHW recently get rid of GM williams
Brian Yesterday at 5:26 pm
Because of the Power Rankings, I can tell you their best hitter had a 101 OPS+ before he was traded
Could be – that sounds familiar
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:27 pm
Mets are tenderizing the rocks
Brian Yesterday at 5:28 pm
One more and the Mets cover the second over
Metsense Yesterday at 5:28 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:28 pm
Can’t recall any game where more shots went to warning track and beyond
Brian Yesterday at 5:29 pm
Can Pete get his 3rd?
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:30 pm
Braves lost today. Got pummeled by Brews 16-7
Brian Yesterday at 5:30 pm
Yep. Mets move ahead of them with a win
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:31 pm
Backs and pads have been red hot recently
Brian Yesterday at 5:31 pm
Rats. Oh well, Metsense, one more shot
Metsense Yesterday at 5:31 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:32 pm
What would happen to alonso stats if he simply never swung at low and outside curves/sliders/sweepers
Metsense Yesterday at 5:33 pm
He would walk plenty
Rick JM Yesterday at 5:33 pm
Hey, rockies taco speacial if they score 7+ runs!
Brian Yesterday at 5:34 pm
Why doesn’t Danny Young have a “D” on his jersey so we know which lefty Young is in the game?
Metsense Yesterday at 5:35 pm
That’s why they have numbers!
Brian Yesterday at 5:35 pm
I guess. They haven’t been around long enough for me to have their numbers memorized.
I know Diaz is 39 and Ottavino is 0
Metsense Yesterday at 5:36 pm
81 is Young
Brian Yesterday at 5:37 pm
Which one!
Metsense Yesterday at 5:37 pm
But I don’t know which 1
You stepped on my joke
Brian Yesterday at 5:37 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 5:37 pm
That’s OK
Brian Yesterday at 5:38 pm
I hope the other Young pitches the 9th so we can say that all four of the guys on the bubble pitched
Metsense Yesterday at 5:39 pm
Forever young
Now pitching Number 46 Young
Brian Yesterday at 5:46 pm
Not quite as good as Pillar’s catch but still pretty good
Metsense Yesterday at 5:47 pm
Come on Jeff Hit a home run
Brian Yesterday at 5:47 pm
The second under covers
Metsense Yesterday at 5:48 pm
Oh well you win Brian

Brian Yesterday at 5:48 pm
9 runs – we all win
Brian Yesterday at 5:57 pm
Is it gauche to challenge a play when you’re winning by 8?
Metsense Yesterday at 5:57 pm
I would think so
Brian Yesterday at 5:58 pm
thanks for the chatter. See you tomorrow night
Metsense Yesterday at 5:59 pm
Series win
You’re welcome see you tomorrow