ChrisF Yesterday at 7:21 pm
Evening Mets fans
Metsense Yesterday at 7:21 pm
It isn’t a good evening Chris
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:21 pm
I see we still have a math problem
Metsense Yesterday at 7:22 pm
A pitching problem too
I hope They have their offense tonight
They are going to need it
ERA 7.16
Woodrow Yesterday at 7:27 pm
Remember when everybody was so upset Nimmo wasn’t chosen for the
All Stars?
Metsense Yesterday at 7:28 pm
Do you think he is a good ball player?
Woodrow Yesterday at 7:32 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 7:34 pm
Do you think alonso Deserve The pick?
Woodrow Yesterday at 7:38 pm
How many Ks tonight?
Bet that hurt
Metsense Yesterday at 7:40 pm
3 ks So far
A wild Rally
Woodrow Yesterday at 7:43 pm
Iglesias is a good player
Metsense Yesterday at 7:43 pm
He is a good bench player
Annie was a good Starter Early in his career
We needed More runs that inning
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:50 pm
I like these old school A’s unis
Metsense Yesterday at 7:53 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:53 pm
dear lord. Total mess. I think a .500 season is really in jeopardy
wow. 7-1
total embarassmanet
Metsense Yesterday at 7:55 pm
They are playing terrible tonight
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:56 pm
and that would differ how for pretty much the entire road trip?
Metsense Yesterday at 7:57 pm
Just Seattle
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:57 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 7:58 pm
Two 1 run losses
Woodrow Yesterday at 7:58 pm
Bubble bursting?
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:58 pm
it burst a while ago. They should have been sellers
Metsense Yesterday at 7:59 pm
I don’t agree with you
Woodrow Yesterday at 7:59 pm
And who would they have sold?
Metsense Yesterday at 8:00 pm
Chris they weren’t going to get a top prospect
Unless they were trading Pete
And I wouldn’t have minded that
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:03 pm
Of course, Pete, Severino, Bader,Manaea, McNeil. Juat would have been prospects
Metsense Yesterday at 8:04 pm
Those people Would only get them Filled Not good prospects
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:04 pm
No matter what, they should not have dealt young pitchers
Metsense Yesterday at 8:05 pm
Are you talking about the winkler trade?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:06 pm
Winkler and Blackburn
Didn’t like either
And this is the Blackburn I thought we’d get
Add Blackburn to the soon to be DFA’D list – unless they put him in the IL again
Metsense Yesterday at 8:10 pm
Blackburn Is that going to get DFA
You liked Morris ? Why ?
was Stuart every going to be in the rotation ?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:17 pm
I liked Morris. Decent stuff I thought. Pitching is a numbers game. Too many get hurt and don’t turn out. The more you have the more likely you will have some good ones
Maybe. I liked Stuart too
And especially liked Gervase – threw 97 at the knees. “And ya can’t teach that”
Gervase for Zuber – who is blowing saves at AAA – real bad
Metsense Yesterday at 8:20 pm
Thanks for the info
McNeil range and throw!
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:23 pm
I enjoy ragging on them for there antics in the current
But there seems to be a regular venting of spleens against the very notion of NYMs
their antics
reminds me of the other pod for whom I little care
Brian Yesterday at 8:27 pm
McNeil with another XBH
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:28 pm
mets merized
Ya know things are rough when the interviews of kids in the stands is more uplifting than the onfield play
Metsense Yesterday at 8:29 pm
That is for sure Jose
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:29 pm
The knobs at mets merized banned me because they didn’t enjoy anyone proving how irrational illogical and childish they were
that was about 2 years ago, and nothjing has changed there
Brian Yesterday at 8:30 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:30 pm
75% of the content is how much they hate Alonso
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:30 pm
Sad but true – BADer
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:31 pm
So, is Alonso the worst thing since the Bubonic plague?
Can he be fixed?
Metsense Yesterday at 8:32 pm
Bader Isn’t an offensive player
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:33 pm
Eli Serrano, Mets 4th round pick this year, singled in a run tonight for St. Lucie but just K’d with bases loaded in the 8th
Metsense Yesterday at 8:33 pm
He is a place holder
Brian Yesterday at 8:33 pm
The NC State kid
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:34 pm
Gilbert and Williams getting hurt this year put their system back
Metsense Yesterday at 8:34 pm
I wouldn’t have Butto in this game
Brian Yesterday at 8:34 pm
Any other draft picks played yet?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:35 pm
Yes 2 in tonight’s game
Serrano, Long, Roselli all playing tonight
Brian Yesterday at 8:35 pm
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:36 pm
2 more besides Serrano that is
Long with an RBI triple
Brian Yesterday at 8:37 pm
Do you think Benge will get any run? SLU could use him…
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:37 pm
Anthony Nunez looks good
Metsense Yesterday at 8:37 pm
How soon?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:37 pm
Yes. Benge playing in the “Bridge” FCL league
No box scores on Bridge league that I can find
Brian Yesterday at 8:38 pm
I don’t know what that is. I was thinking FCL ended too soon
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:39 pm
Yes it did. Manfred’s dumb cost cutting
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:40 pm
wow. So bad
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:40 pm
Drafted players were assigned to FCL roster though season has ended
Brian Yesterday at 8:41 pm
thought he was safe but little reason not to challenge
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:41 pm
They are playing games against other FCL teams – just no box scores
Brian Yesterday at 8:41 pm
They are playing games against other FCL teams – just no box scores that’s crazy
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 8:41 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:42 pm
Brian Yesterday at 8:43 pm
Another bad slide. How rotten sliding is throughout the league may be one of the most under-discussed topics there is
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:44 pm
came with lack of stealing bases and other fundies, like bunting.
Metsense Yesterday at 8:47 pm
No out RALLY
Brian Yesterday at 8:49 pm
that was some poor OF play. But we’ll take it
Metsense Yesterday at 8:50 pm
Brian Yesterday at 8:51 pm
way to go Pete!
Metsense Yesterday at 8:51 pm
Brian Yesterday at 8:54 pm
good AB, Vientos
C;mon Alvarez – you’re due
Both Pete and Alvarez need to learn to lay off the slider
Metsense Yesterday at 9:03 pm
That was disappointing
Alvare hasn’t Shown his power
Come on make a decision
Brian Yesterday at 9:14 pm
Alvarez was behind the plate – don’t know why Butto didn’t throw during the challenge
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:15 pm
Mets pitching afraid or unable to throw strikes. It’s unrreal
Metsense Yesterday at 9:16 pm
Is it Heffner ?
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:17 pm
I do not know, but its bad
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:18 pm
That was almost an outstanding play
What was McNeil appealing?
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:18 pm
some days you’re the dog, some weeks you’re the hydrant
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:19 pm
Even Butto is tanking!
I didn’t have the volume on, and it appeared pretty obvious that McNeil got the out at 2nd. What was he appealing?
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:20 pm
I was on mute
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:20 pm
OK, so nobody knows?
Wow, Alonso did a gnarly face plant
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:21 pm
i suspect he was angling for an interference call and to get the out at 1B
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:21 pm
The runner interfered?
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:21 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:22 pm
I’m surprise Polar dude didn’t break his nose
Metsense Yesterday at 9:22 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:23 pm
I like that! I think that will be my new online persona – InterferenceJosé
Metsense Yesterday at 9:23 pm
The challenge Submarine Butto
Brian Yesterday at 9:24 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:25 pm
This is certainly their worst stretch since their 22-33 record near the end of May
But has it been that bad?
It’s just unfortunate that both the Pads and the Snakes are smokin’ hot right now
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:26 pm
Binghamton U’s Nick Roselli gets his first pro hit for the…

@Mets News and Links
Brian Yesterday at 9:26 pm
4-6 in their last 10 games. It’s not good but its hardly a big deal
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:26 pm
The Braves, Yanbkers, Philcos and Os have been through worse stretches this season, compared to the Mets recent funk
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:27 pm
St. Lucie wins 3-2 – all three runs driven in by 2024 Draftees
Brian Yesterday at 9:27 pm
SLU needs the help
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:27 pm
more draftees coming to St. Lucie later this week
Metsense Yesterday at 9:27 pm
I can’t believe Everyone is jumping ship.
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:27 pm
They sure do
Brian Yesterday at 9:27 pm
What’s your take on Houck?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:28 pm
I think he has a lot of errors
He had 4 in 1 inning the other day
Brian Yesterday at 9:28 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:28 pm
Brian Yesterday at 9:28 pm
Are they still trying to play him at SS?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:29 pm
another Rosario, Maurico, Vientos, at the lower levels
he plays all over
Brian Yesterday at 9:29 pm
I know they were doing that before Baez got hurt
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:29 pm
I saw LA DFAd Rosario today
Metsense Yesterday at 9:29 pm
And he was having a good year too
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:30 pm
14 errors for Houck at SS – 8 at 3B
hitting .207
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:30 pm
is it fielding, throwing, or both?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:30 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 9:30 pm
That is a lot of errors
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:31 pm
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:31 pm
14 errors in 53 games at SS
Brian Yesterday at 9:31 pm
We used to say young SS had a bunch of errors because the fields weren’t very good. But that’s no longer the case.
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:31 pm
8 in 31 games at 3B
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:31 pm
he aint a SS
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:32 pm
Lindor is 11 for 25 in last 6 games including today – that’s .440, but only one walk. So while the Mets were smelly, onward goes their MVP
Metsense Yesterday at 9:32 pm
And he isn’t 3rd basement either
Brian Yesterday at 9:32 pm
He’s got a shot at a 7.0 fWAR season
Metsense Yesterday at 9:33 pm
He definitely has a shot
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:33 pm
that would be fantastic
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:33 pm
Dear lord, not Stanek!
Are you guys talking about Lindor?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:34 pm
They DFA Stanek yet?
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:34 pm
7 a def possibility
y, lindr
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:35 pm
Is there an insurance clause that says if you DFA a player within one month of a trade – you get your prospect back?
Brian Yesterday at 9:35 pm
In that case, let’s get Gervase back, too.
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:35 pm
Is Stanek that obviously bad?
Brian Yesterday at 9:36 pm
He throws gas. Unfortunately, he brings a gas can with him to the mound
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:36 pm
OTANEZ – Ex-Syracuse Met alert
Metsense Yesterday at 9:36 pm
John Talk to Doug and Omu
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:36 pm
Had dinner with him – very nice man – doesn’t speak muck english
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:37 pm
I’m afraid I don’t understand some of the code spoken here
Is it such a bad thing if a recent learner of English doesn’t speak muck?
And from what is this John formally banned?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:38 pm
not much English (sorry typo). He was very nice though but we had a hard time talking
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:39 pm
Well, ya know, I’m Italian, pero hablo espanol
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:39 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:40 pm
Because mi esposa es puertoriquena
as are 1/2 of each of my two daughters
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:40 pm
My wife is Mexican
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:40 pm
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:40 pm
and my first wife was Puerto Rican and my kids are either half Puerto Rican or Half Mexican
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:41 pm
I think you should learn Spanish. It’s easier to learn than English. Even for people like me, whose alleged first language is English
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:41 pm
but they don’t like baseball and won’t come and translate for me
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:41 pm
Awesome! You really go for those Spanish women
I see
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:41 pm
I need to learn pasqual that is my next goal
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:42 pm
My wife’s father played with an amateur team in NYC when she was a kid. So she ia awre of the finer details of BB
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:42 pm
Alvarez caught Otanez, interesting match up
Who would you rather have – Otanez or Fujinami?
Very nice Rick
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:45 pm
Everybody around here knows me as José, because my internal handle is José Hunter, and my middle name is José
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:45 pm
Nice to meet you Jose
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:45 pm
But thank you for calling me by my actual name. Nobody in the real world calls me José
Likewise. I take it you’re from Albany
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:46 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:46 pm
Or Albania
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:46 pm
Albany, NY – I go to Binghamton, Syracuse and Brooklyn Games
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:46 pm
Is it possible to fix Alonso?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:47 pm
What a play, Starling Marte

@Syracuse Mets
he is done
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:47 pm
Like that positive attitude
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:47 pm
Sorry – his batting average against fastballs has gone down pretty regularly the last few years
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:48 pm
I saw a stat which said his OPS is .400 lower against off-speed compared to last year
Really? I didn’t see that part
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:48 pm
yes and Brian had a good fact about his average against Sliders
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:49 pm
His biggest problem seems to be going after sweepers, sliders and curves low and outside
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:49 pm
Yes, that has been a problem for a while
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:49 pm
But it’s especially bad this year
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:49 pm
someone desperate for HRs will pay him
Metsense Yesterday at 9:49 pm
A surprising Play by Marte. Thanks
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:50 pm
I don’t think Stearns will though
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:50 pm
Maybe somebody should yell “don’t swing” from the dugout
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:50 pm
you are welcome
Eduardo Herrera faces 4 batters, Ks them all as he gets hi…

@Mets News and Links
Metsense Yesterday at 9:52 pm
Where did he come from? He has good movement
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:53 pm
Mets picked him up after the Pirates released him but he has looked real good with the Mets
Metsense Yesterday at 9:53 pm
Is he old for the league
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:54 pm
yes – 24
bring him to Binghamton and see what happens
Metsense Yesterday at 9:54 pm
Can’t get too excited then
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:54 pm
Brooklyn is a pitchers park – though tonight’s game was on the road
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:54 pm
I was trying to sign up for X but I am so tired of trying to prove I’m a human
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:55 pm
I’m not human and they let me in
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:55 pm
I lied above my birthdate, but that dumb AI couldn’t figure that out
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:55 pm
oh well
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:55 pm
It won’t let me have José Hunter as my username
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:55 pm
just read my blog – I have all the twitter highlights – no sign up required
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:55 pm
So what’s the point of creating an account, unless I want to heckle you?
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:56 pm
you can heckle Elon?
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:57 pm
Too musky for me
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:57 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:58 pm
Musk is a warm subtle scent defined by a complex range of powdery, sweet, woodsy and earthy aroma impressions
that sounds repulsive
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 9:59 pm
I don’t like the scent
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:59 pm
John, I think we’re liquifying other people’s brains with our chatter
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 10:00 pm
sorry – I will zip it
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:00 pm
There is a direct messaging pathway here, just click on a users icon
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:00 pm
Well, as long as nobody complains, I say why TF not!
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 10:01 pm
T.J. McFarland – Syracuse Mets Night in Flushing
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:01 pm
Oh, well. I guess it is liquifying. These people are incredibly polite
they won’t tell you straight up to STFU
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 10:01 pm
I get that all the time – doesn’t phase me
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:02 pm
What, politeness?
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:02 pm
save for Diaz!!! … wait
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:02 pm
Ya know, John, it seems that you and I are humorly compatible
ChrisF, why are you trying to change the scintillating topic of discussion?
OK, I am genuinely being a prick right now. I promise to stop
I’d never refer to myself as a !@#$%^&*()
So, why the hell do they bring Diaz into this game, and not any of the previousd disasters on the west coast?
God, what the hell was winker chewing on? It was brown and horrible
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:06 pm
i wonder how many pitches Pete has seen behind in the count this year
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:07 pm
approximately 100% of his total
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 10:08 pm
2 many
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:08 pm
I hope he stays with the mets
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:08 pm
seems like a lot for sure
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:09 pm
he does community service, PSAs and loves little childrens
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 10:09 pm
He is a good guy
Metsense Yesterday at 10:10 pm
Pete has Conforto-itis
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:10 pm
Ray Stevens would probably compare him with Jesus
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:10 pm
he’ll be wearing a different jersey next year
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:10 pm
I love Conforto, he attended OSU Corvallis from where my younger daughter graudated
Don’t say that, ChrisF
My soul is still damaged from JdG leaving us
Metsense Yesterday at 10:12 pm
Steans won’t Over pay
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:12 pm
Lose an embarrassing game once more. I cant wait til we get to the easy part of the schedule
how can we be expected to win against teams like the Angels and A’s?
Metsense Yesterday at 10:13 pm
Thanks for the chatter Good night
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:13 pm
Oh well, I had some hope when it was 7-4, 1st and 2nd no outs
Goodbye, Metsense
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:13 pm
Jake leaving was a financial blessing.
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:13 pm
And ChrisF and johnfromalbania
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:14 pm
Cheers all
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:14 pm
Them is fighting words!
See ya later, ChrisF
Johnfromalban Yesterday at 10:21 pm
Night Jose – Night all