Rick JM Yesterday at 7:02 pm
Daniel Murphy joins Keith and Gary
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:11 pm
I am not pleased by some of the comments DM made about other “lifestyles” as he calls it. I will leave it at that
The Marlins “have to manufacture runs”.
sheer genius
Jonah Bride born in Owasso Oklahome
Never heard of that town, even though I was a grad student at the U of OK in Norman for several years
Vientos is 6’4″
didn’t realize how tall he was until I saw him standing next to 5’10” Xavier Edwards
Brian Yesterday at 7:23 pm
Hey Jose
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:23 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 7:24 pm
Hi Jose and Brian
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:24 pm
Hello Mr. J
My man Metsense!
Brian Yesterday at 7:25 pm
Maybe that will be the break to get Nimmo untracked
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:25 pm
Why is nimmo batting 3rd?
Brian Yesterday at 7:25 pm
Because Vientos hit two homers yesterday batting 2nd
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:26 pm
Umm, OK…?
That Mendoza logi
Welcome, Woodster
Metsense Yesterday at 7:27 pm
Would it be bad To have Nimmo bat 6th or 7th?
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:27 pm
How about 10th
Brian Yesterday at 7:27 pm
Yes, that would be bad
Metsense Yesterday at 7:27 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:28 pm
I admire Nimmo for his ability to get on base
Brian Yesterday at 7:28 pm
And that speed shows you one reason why
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:29 pm
Evening Mets fans
Brian Yesterday at 7:29 pm
Hey Chris
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:29 pm
does that count for my mWAR?
Metsense Yesterday at 7:29 pm
Brian Yesterday at 7:29 pm
Yours and Metsense’s and mine – we all joined this half inning
Metsense Yesterday at 7:29 pm
Why not Chris
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:30 pm
ding ding ding
as long as Petes K doesnt count!
Brian Yesterday at 7:30 pm
Like the sun rising in the East…
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:30 pm
Nimmo is 5th lifetime NYM OBP at .375
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:31 pm
just a given at this point. Ive fallen off the Alonso cliff
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:31 pm
Behind Olerud, Magadan, Keith & Wright
Be nice, Mr. F
Metsense Yesterday at 7:32 pm
Brian, Tango says Back the speed 6th and Generate Runs at the back of the order
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:33 pm
Ive watching my EPL team (Tottenham) just revolutionize their team by unloading all but the most productive vets (only 2 left) and the excitement around the team is pounding. Most starting players now 18-22 yo. It’s terrific, especially woth a super motivated mgr in second year
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:34 pm
But Nimmo tied for 33rd with mazzilli on lifetime NYM BA at .264
I’m not being flippant, ChrisF, but what is EPL?
Metsense Yesterday at 7:34 pm
Ninmo Is my favorite
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:35 pm
Have to like someone who always has a good (or better) OBP even when BA is low
Excellent example in 2019 when he had 375 OBP in 69 games with 221 BA
Metsense Yesterday at 7:37 pm
It is a soccer team jose
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:38 pm
Soccer? you meant futbol?
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:38 pm
english premier league football. The beautiful game
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:38 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:38 pm
the youth. So good
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:40 pm
Nimmo had 404 OBP in 2018 and 2020, which is the 11th (and 11th) highest single season OBP for Mets
Being an american fan of english futbol sounds like being a Mets fan living in Oregon this centur
Brian Yesterday at 7:43 pm
It’s easier to be an out of state – or out of country – fan now than at any point in history. Certainly easier than it was being a Vikings fan in NYC in the 70s
Pinky – I knew it
Metsense Yesterday at 7:45 pm
Pink power Is his bat’s name
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:45 pm
So true Brian. I was living upstate as a 49ers, Lakers, and Blackhawks fan!
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:45 pm
I just deleted an obnoxious statement
I don’t like DM
Bader 14 BB in 103 gam
Brian Yesterday at 7:52 pm
His lack of walks makes his lack of power a bigger issue
Metsense Yesterday at 7:53 pm
Bader Has Fallen off a cliff
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:53 pm
Bader Hater
Brian Yesterday at 7:53 pm
If he walks and hits for power – I’ll like him!
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:54 pm
ill take the power, you can have the wa;lks
this team doesnt know what to do with runners on base anyway, so walks are almost useless!
Brian Yesterday at 7:55 pm
I haven’t checked recently but they were very good with RISP
Metsense Yesterday at 7:55 pm
It is a long season and he’s Playing Like Usually
career OPS+ 93
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:00 pm
Where’s name with an appropriate Asian club for Vientos to be sent to?
Brian Yesterday at 8:00 pm
He’s moved on. He’s now saying this is nothing more than 2020 Dom Smith
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:00 pm
c’mon now
Metsense Yesterday at 8:01 pm
Dom Was release Today
Brian Yesterday at 8:01 pm
More PA and a much lower BABIP than 2020 Dom
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:01 pm
was he on Boston?
Brian Yesterday at 8:01 pm
Yeah, even got into a couple of games as a pitcher
Metsense Yesterday at 8:01 pm
Not anymore
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:02 pm
well, there may be one or 2 stops before the White Sox come calling
Metsense Yesterday at 8:02 pm
Guillorme Was released also today
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:02 pm
Nimmo just lost in the weeds
Metsense Yesterday at 8:03 pm
Let’s chip in and get him a weed wacker
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:03 pm
i like that idea
Brian Yesterday at 8:05 pm
Both of those strikeouts looked like they were imitating Alonso
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:05 pm
BTW, Sox still on track for > 120 losses
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:10 pm
FG devoted an entirely silly article to the possible reason ChiSox walked Soto to pitch to Judge
The answer is simple: Why TF not? What’s to lose?
One would think that given my academic background, I’d find FG quite interesting
But I really find it painful at times
Wow, that security guard sitting behind the fence didn’t even blink
Brian Yesterday at 8:15 pm
Pete’s usally pretty good at the stretch
Metsense Yesterday at 8:17 pm
I don’t think they will overturn it
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:19 pm
I’m not inspired by their current level of performance
Metsense Yesterday at 8:19 pm
Nice play Jeff
Brian Yesterday at 8:21 pm
speaking of guys who rarely walk or hit for power – here’s Winker
He’s an honorary Pinky
Woodrow Yesterday at 8:21 pm
I thought Winker was going to be a big add
Brian Yesterday at 8:22 pm
Me too. But he just hasn’t performed like he did with Washington
Metsense Yesterday at 8:23 pm
He is a Ruf
Brian Yesterday at 8:25 pm
Need Murphy to talk about McNeil and pulling the ball
And that’s why you sell out to pull, Keith
Metsense Yesterday at 8:27 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:27 pm
That Burger is lookin’ mighty meaty
Woodrow Yesterday at 8:27 pm
Does McNeilhave a shot at 20 HRs?
Brian Yesterday at 8:28 pm
I think so. Six weeks to hit 8
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:28 pm
Didn’t he hit 23 one year
Brian Yesterday at 8:28 pm
He’s had the ability to be this hitter but he’s pissed away so much time slapping the ball to LF
can’t say p&issed
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:29 pm
This game is nearly 1.5 hours and in the 4th inning?
Woodrow Yesterday at 8:29 pm
Glasnow,another pitcher goes down
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:29 pm
Glasnow on the dodgers?
Brian Yesterday at 8:29 pm
Still a better pace than yesterday
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:30 pm
That bat is goofy. Is it made of crayola wax?
Holy shi-ite
Brian Yesterday at 8:30 pm
If that’s what it takes for him to draw walks…
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:30 pm
two walks in the same game?
Brian Yesterday at 8:33 pm
way to go Lindor!
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:33 pm
23 minutes ago, I said “I’m not inspired by their current level of performance”
Metsense Yesterday at 8:33 pm
Brian Yesterday at 8:33 pm
2-run HR, RBI triple – my kind of game!
Woodrow Yesterday at 8:33 pm
Lindor,shot at 100 rbi
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:33 pm
I have changed my mind. Easily impressed am I
Metsense Yesterday at 8:35 pm
He would have to be so hot to get 100
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:37 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 8:37 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:37 pm
Yeah, for those of you ragging on Nimm
Saying he should be batting 10th
Metsense Yesterday at 8:38 pm
The weed wacker worked
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:38 pm
even a broken clock is right twice a day
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:38 pm
ChrisF = pure evil
Woodrow Yesterday at 8:38 pm
Mets,shot at he third WC
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:38 pm
World Championship?
Getting a bit hysterical
Brian Yesterday at 8:39 pm
I missed a Nimmo homer? This inning is great!
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:40 pm
1969 1st, 1986 2nd, 2024 3rd
More batting practice. Win 9-1, lose 6-7
Woodrow Yesterday at 8:42 pm
Wild Cardnor World Championship
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:43 pm
Yeah, it is a terrible thing when one thinks he’s funny, but no one agrees
A burger and a wanker
I mean winker
Metsense Yesterday at 8:45 pm
Now I can get my snack
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:45 pm
Wow, wan-ker is censored?
To quote The Terminator
I’ll be back
Brian Yesterday at 8:50 pm
At least it was a solo shot
McNeil pulls one for a double
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:07 pm
Could be 3 hr game today
Brian Yesterday at 9:07 pm
We might need it because … the Marlins always play us tough
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:08 pm
4 aint enough, as we well know
the soft underbelly of Mets pitching awaits
Brian Yesterday at 9:09 pm
Helps when the SP goes 6
Will Mendoza send him out for the 7th?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:10 pm
Probably not
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:10 pm
at 92 p?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:10 pm
The bogeyman is lurking
With this lead they can push him But they probably won’t
Brian Yesterday at 9:13 pm
Finally – Murphy talking about pulling in the air. Now to bring it to McNeil
Brian Yesterday at 9:20 pm
So, they talk briefly about Nimmo but nothing about McNeil. Oh well, at least the camera man panned to McNeil in the dugout during the discussion…
Metsense Yesterday at 9:20 pm
It was a very interesting discussion With 2Hitters
Brian Yesterday at 9:21 pm
This is the most engaged Keith’s been in years
Manaea back out there
I’m sure he’s gone with the first baserunner
7 IP for Manaea – nice
Metsense Yesterday at 9:27 pm
Quality Start
Brian Yesterday at 9:35 pm
Butto to close it out?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:38 pm
Why not But I wouldn’t have
Brian Yesterday at 9:38 pm
1st inning for Butto was great
2-hit game for Nimmo
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:45 pm
Interesting fact: This is the only internet forum/pocast/whatever in the infinite multiverse in which it is worth particiapting
I may be overstating this, but not by much
Have you people smell youtube lately?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:46 pm
I learned that12 years ago
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:46 pm
12 years? wow
Brian Yesterday at 9:47 pm
While I would like to have more people involved in the chatter, the advantage of not having 100s involved is that there’s more interaction among those of us here.
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:47 pm
I think I became aware of mets360 in 2016, but I’m not positive
less is better. As I often said, I am pleased to be the remedial student here, because it means I’m not subjected to garbage
Brian Yesterday at 9:48 pm
Not sure when we first started the chatter but it was me, Metsense, Name and Chris F showing up every night even when they were terrible. So, definitely before 2015
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:48 pm
When I am the goofiest and most juvenile particiapnt, well that’s a good thing
Metsense Yesterday at 9:49 pm
Maybe 2013
Brian Yesterday at 9:49 pm
I think the sweet spot would be 20-25 people
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:49 pm
And Brian, I think it reflects on you a great dea
Brian Yesterday at 9:49 pm
Maybe 2013 Yeah, either 2012 or 2013 would be my guess
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:50 pm
I mean, I can ask questions here and get intelligent – and accurate – answers, and not unsubstantiate opinion
Brian Yesterday at 9:50 pm
Rick JM
And Brian, I think it reflects on you a great dea thanks for the kind words!
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:51 pm
Do you recall recently when I asked by I held my right arm so high when I started hitting from the leftr side because my right eye had reduced acuity?
See, this is somethin I wondered aboiut literally for FORTY years
And I finally got the answer. I don’t know if anyone can imagine how satisfying that is
Brian Yesterday at 9:53 pm
Mets win! Thanks for the chatter
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:53 pm
Time for me to shut up
see yas tomorro
Metsense Yesterday at 9:53 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:53 pm
Good night ChrisF, Metsense and Brain
I mean Brian
Well, maybe Brain is quite appropriate
Metsense Yesterday at 9:54 pm
Thanks for the Chatter, Good night