Metsense Yesterday at 8:49 pm
Alonso a gift
Brian Yesterday at 9:06 pm
Hey Mets fans!
Metsense Yesterday at 9:06 pm
Hi Brian
Brian Yesterday at 9:08 pm
just got back from my fantasy football draft
Winker with a web gem!
Metsense Yesterday at 9:13 pm
Peterson’s Walks are too many. 4.0/9
Brian Yesterday at 9:13 pm
Nimmo in CF?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:13 pm
Brian Yesterday at 9:14 pm
Always glad when Bader sits
Brian Yesterday at 9:22 pm
1 pitch, 1 out is always nice
Metsense Yesterday at 9:22 pm
Alonzo’s double What is a tapper and a Made to order DP. 40 Mph And then hit the bag
Brian Yesterday at 9:23 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 9:24 pm
Peterson’s luck
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:24 pm
Evening Mets fans
Metsense Yesterday at 9:25 pm
Glad you would join us Chris
Brian Yesterday at 9:25 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:25 pm
too kind
Brian Yesterday at 9:25 pm
37 pitches thru 3 for Peterson is pretty good
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:25 pm
oh for sure
4.1 PPO
Metsense Yesterday at 9:26 pm
He is throwing strikes And has Command
Brian Yesterday at 9:32 pm
Alvarez catches a break
Check that, Mets catch a break, Alvarez reaches on an error, not a hit
Name Yesterday at 9:33 pm
a lead!
Metsense Yesterday at 9:34 pm
Let’s cash in
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:34 pm
lets crack it open
Brian Yesterday at 9:34 pm
Any word on Blackburn?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:35 pm
I didn’t hear anything
Brian Yesterday at 9:35 pm
Name Yesterday at 9:36 pm
Woodrow Yesterday at 9:36 pm
Ball game?
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:36 pm
Initial X-rays were “inconclusive,” according to Mets manager Carlos Mendoza, and Blackburn will undergo further testing on Saturday to make sure nothing is broken
Brian Yesterday at 9:36 pm
Mets score when Peterson pitches
thanks Chris
Metsense Yesterday at 9:36 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:36 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 9:37 pm
Please like he is a MVP
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:37 pm
for sure
Metsense Yesterday at 9:38 pm
That was a very clutch Home run
Woodrow Yesterday at 9:38 pm
Gotta love salami
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:39 pm
Well, ya know, somebody around here has been babbling mucho about who is going to be the NYMs 1st MVP in their 63rd season
As for peterson, he has been throwing lots of curve and changers, no as many 4 seamers
It’s almost like… like…
he’s learning how TF to pitch
MVB – most valuable babbler
I’ve been forced to watch SDP feed because SNY is low res
Brian Yesterday at 9:42 pm
C’mon Nimmo – dive for that with a no-no on the line
Woodrow Yesterday at 9:43 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:43 pm
and jayzuz, these announcers were themselves over that sliding play musgrove made the other day
Metsense Yesterday at 9:43 pm
over/Under 7.5 Mets runs
Remember Peterson is pitching
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:45 pm
Am I mistaken, or is MP throwing many more curves today than usual?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:46 pm
I’ll taketake the over
Brian Yesterday at 9:48 pm
To be contrary, I’ll take the under
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:48 pm
ill take the over
Metsense Yesterday at 9:50 pm
JD what are you looking at?
What are you Taill
Name Yesterday at 9:55 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:56 pm
Petes best around the bag
Brian Yesterday at 10:04 pm
good job of avoiding the big inning
Metsense Yesterday at 10:05 pm
Peterson Gets through the 5th inning. Sometimes it’s his bugaboo
A bugaboo Is the sound That Bogeyman’s make
Brian Yesterday at 10:07 pm
who let Pinky hit?
Name Yesterday at 10:09 pm
let’s get another unearned run
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:10 pm
5.8 fWAR for Lindor up to today. Could make 7
Metsense Yesterday at 10:10 pm
Wicker looked mad
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:14 pm
Pinkly lands the plane
Metsense Yesterday at 10:15 pm
It will be close for Lindor
Name Yesterday at 10:15 pm
can Peterson go back 2 back 7s?
Metsense Yesterday at 10:17 pm
80 p maybe 8
Brian Yesterday at 10:18 pm
Wicker looked mad If you got pinch-hit for by a guy who’s 0-20, you’d be mad, too.
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:18 pm
Brian Yesterday at 10:18 pm
Name Yesterday at 10:18 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 10:18 pm
He is locked in
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:19 pm
I think the MVP talk is certainly in order, although he wont eclipse Ohtani
because no one does
Name Yesterday at 10:20 pm
Nimmo has a higher wPA than Lindor
Brian Yesterday at 10:20 pm
You never know if people will be anti-Ohtani because he’s a DH
Metsense Yesterday at 10:21 pm
40 / 40 Is hard to fathom
Brian Yesterday at 10:21 pm
50/50 even more so
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:22 pm
6.5 fWAR now, 175 OPS+
Brian Yesterday at 10:22 pm
Ohtani fWAR?
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:22 pm
bWAR, sorry
Name Yesterday at 10:23 pm
in this era 40/40 is like 30/25 of prior eras
Vientos getting a taste of his future pitching matchups
Metsense Yesterday at 10:24 pm
Brian Yesterday at 10:24 pm
fWAR does not update in-game. Lindor with a 6.4 coming into today.
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:25 pm
oh pete
Brian Yesterday at 10:25 pm
Ohtani with a 6.1
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:25 pm
i meant bWAR
Brian Yesterday at 10:27 pm
Sorry, I prefer fWAR so that’s what I use
Metsense Yesterday at 10:28 pm
Brian Yesterday at 10:28 pm
I’ve answered this multiple times
Metsense Yesterday at 10:29 pm
That’s what my wife tells me
Name Yesterday at 10:29 pm
fWAR gives too much weight to defense in my opinion
Metsense Yesterday at 10:32 pm
Quintana is pitching Tomorrow So save Butto
Brian Yesterday at 10:33 pm
no broken bones for Blackburn – that’s good
Name Yesterday at 10:34 pm
got to imagine it’s still swollen though
Mendoza have the guts to send Peterson out there to start the 8th?
Brian Yesterday at 10:34 pm
ESPN has him with 92 pitches
Metsense Yesterday at 10:35 pm
92 P Hell yeah
Name Yesterday at 10:36 pm
typically when a pitcher exceeds 100 pitches in a start, Mendoza likes to limit to 90 in the next
not that Mendoza allows many 100+ to begin with
Brian Yesterday at 10:37 pm
Should have Garrett and Nunez to use
Metsense Yesterday at 10:37 pm
Butto should sit, maton should pitch
Brian Yesterday at 10:38 pm
Don’t know why you’d use Butto here. Seems like a good chance to get Garrett into a low-leverage spot
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:38 pm
Name Yesterday at 10:38 pm
good sign that Peterson has him arm wrapped
Metsense Yesterday at 10:38 pm
Brian Yesterday at 10:38 pm
wow, I’m behind
man, this pitcher sucks
Name Yesterday at 10:39 pm
this is the guy the Mets beat up in the 9th?
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:39 pm
Close to the over!
Brian Yesterday at 10:40 pm
this is the guy the Mets beat up in the 9th? yes 5 ER
Metsense Yesterday at 10:42 pm
If Peterson still is pitching then will win over!
Brian Yesterday at 10:42 pm
Peterson is better than Butto here
Name Yesterday at 10:42 pm
it’s sad that Ron is praising Mendoza for letting Peterson pitch at 92 pitches
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:43 pm
good day at the office
Name Yesterday at 10:43 pm
ugh, another quick hook
Brian Yesterday at 10:44 pm
The Mendoza special – give up a hit late and you’re yanked
Name Yesterday at 10:45 pm
this isn’t 2-1, it’s 7-1!
Metsense Yesterday at 10:45 pm
But he checked Hefner first?
Your right Name
Gus Yesterday at 10:48 pm
Hi guys. I’ m behind…
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:49 pm
what game are you watching? LOL
Brian Yesterday at 10:49 pm
Gus Yesterday at 10:49 pm
hi Brian! Hi Chris!
Metsense Yesterday at 10:49 pm
hu Gus
Gus Yesterday at 10:49 pm
it’s been awhile since I’ve seen you here Chris
Hello Metsense
Brian Yesterday at 10:50 pm
Isn’t there a catcher named Hugus?
Name Yesterday at 10:50 pm
what the heck is a pitching lab?
do they do experiments on pitchers?
Gus Yesterday at 10:50 pm
Intentional balk? A first for me. But, it’s understandable
Brian Yesterday at 10:50 pm
All kinds of cameras and plates to examing pitchers
Gus Yesterday at 10:51 pm
they take ligaments that throw 100 mph and put them in your arm.
Brian Yesterday at 10:51 pm
If you’re a subscriber to The Athletic they had a nice story on it last offseason
Metsense Yesterday at 10:51 pm
We need a run Chris !!!
Gus Yesterday at 10:53 pm
Hey guys, screw Ohtani news, Parada threw out two baserunners tonight!
Name Yesterday at 10:53 pm
if we get 5 more runs can we abuse Stanek by having him pitch today?
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:53 pm
lets make it 3 for lindor
and the under takes it
Brian Yesterday at 10:56 pm
where do I pick up my winnings?
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:56 pm
dont worry, its in the mail
Name Yesterday at 10:56 pm
what if they blow this lead?
Brian Yesterday at 10:57 pm
dont worry, its in the mail one of the 3 greatest lies in the world!
Metsense Yesterday at 10:57 pm
Gus Yesterday at 10:57 pm
Hey, I get a piece of that. As soon as I got here they stopped scoring. I could have stayed away…
Metsense Yesterday at 10:58 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:59 pm
Brian Yesterday at 10:59 pm
Hush? You are a southerner if you use that word
Gus Yesterday at 10:59 pm
Sup Rick…
Metsense Yesterday at 10:59 pm
Bless your heart Brian
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:59 pm
Why would a Texan be a NYM fan?
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:59 pm
all us transplants
Brian Yesterday at 11:00 pm
Bless your heart Brian it’s as black as can be
ChrisF Yesterday at 11:00 pm
your winnings are a gallon of 4 day old sweet tea
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:00 pm
Ya know, I lived in Irving for 3 years and never visited The Grassy Knoll
Brian Yesterday at 11:01 pm
Now, I do appreciate some sweet tea. Not bad for a non-carbonated beverage
Name Yesterday at 11:01 pm
Peterson now the ace or just a hot stretch?
ChrisF Yesterday at 11:01 pm
oh name. This is a passing fancy
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:02 pm
Well, it’s like when I won a karaoke contest
Brian Yesterday at 11:02 pm
Depends if you place any significance on the ERA estimators
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:02 pm
It’s the equivalent of being valedictorian of remedial education
Metsense Yesterday at 11:02 pm
I reserve my judgment until this time next year
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:03 pm
Peterson may just be the best among a mediocre bunch
He was throwing lots of curves, sinkers, slider, change-ups
Gus Yesterday at 11:04 pm
Good night guys
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:04 pm
Which might indicate increased confidence
Gus Yesterday at 11:04 pm
See y’all tomorrow.
ChrisF Yesterday at 11:04 pm
ciao gus
Brian Yesterday at 11:04 pm
Night Gus
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:04 pm
take care gus
Gus Yesterday at 11:04 pm
Good night everyone
Name Yesterday at 11:04 pm
why can’t we retire that scrub Higashioka?
ChrisF Yesterday at 11:05 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:06 pm
adios, machados
Metsense Yesterday at 11:06 pm
Name Yesterday at 11:06 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:07 pm
8-3, 0-7 then 7-1
Metsense Yesterday at 11:07 pm
This was a nice win. Especially with The competition
Name Yesterday at 11:07 pm
the Mets beat up on the Padres and Yanks. if we make the postseason i want to face those teams
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:08 pm
So, the mets must try harder against the better teams, and play dead for the scrubs
Metsense Yesterday at 11:08 pm
You are now in position to win this Series
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:09 pm
Except for alonso, who only hits homers that “don’t count”
Working on my thesis
Metsense Yesterday at 11:09 pm
Thanks for the chatter Good night
Rick JM Yesterday at 11:09 pm
take care, sense