The Mets get to face a RHP today as Dillon Gee squares off against Jeff Samardjzija in a 4:10 start.
2 righties coming up next, let’s get them both
Nice opening on SNY praising “de facto” captain David Wright
So Brian, do you think the Mets would move Murphy now so that Valdespin can start? It seems the front office backs him.
Hi Chris F, so what to you think about Valdespin?
Im in
feels like he has X factor
Yeah, probably but I’m afraid his head may end up too big for his hat.
Enjoyed your “conversation” today Brian
that is a concern. I do get that. And I like Murph. I cant tell if we have a 2B issue or not. But Tejada, Murph, Cendeno, Q, and Spin is too much to hold on to, no?
U in NY Metsense?
No Foothills of the North Carolina mountains near Hickory
beautiful country round those parts. im in knoxville
Dee Gordon out 6 weeks with Dodgers so I expect Cedeno to go there for almost anybody in LA bullpen
thats good thinking.
the lefty hitting issue is a drag. we need better coaching?
Also way too much in the middle infield
Coaching is fine although Wharthen I’m not fond of
no me neither. im surprised we are showing little improvement with our left-handed bats
Davis and Duda are up and Duda and Kirk are down. I don’t think it is coaching, more like inexperienced players
oh man, that was a filthy pitch
LaHair is an all star. Ike should take note that 1B is an open area in the NL and set that as a motivational goal for Citi Field next year.
For sure. LaHair got a lot of press early on, and it seems to have stuck, even though hes clearly not at all star level. As the conversation covered, the ASG is a real quandary. Another all home grown team today!
Home grown is impressive
I got a ball from the game earlier this year…hoping to get it all autographed by that line up
Spin continues to impress
Very cool about ball and Valdespin is looking good
harder and harder to send him back down
I think Valdespin listens to Hudgeons and that is why they like him. just a guess
interesting. good for kirk
When Keith says I guy can hit, I listen
Chris F my wife and I did a mini vacation in Knoxville 2 years ago and loved the area
u see anything deeper in the RA and Johan poor outings other than face value? Yeah, Keith understands what to do in the box
I hate to say it but I think they are leveling off to a more reasonable performance
its nice. my wife and I are both from elsewhere, but its now home. Spring and Fall are outstanding
Yeah, retired to NC from East Hampton NY
I think slowing down is whats happening too. What about moving CY to long relief 5-8th and bringing up a gun
Not sure I like that thinking because of the shoulder. But Harvey may be here sooner than expected. Not sure.
Yeah, the shoulder bothers me, but he really cant seem to last out more than 6. If he was throwing 6 or so outs…
Your logic is firm, but CY did get the next 3 outs after the HR’s so I am not convinced the sample size is as bad as the stats.
At some point the press will see that RT is the real deal.
Tejada is going to be an all star some day. He is so smart for 22! Brian’s article on him last winter was one of the best pieces I have read. Check it out
Can’t wait to hear Sandy tomorrow
I did. I have to say, I was not too shaken when Jose bolted. I liked what RT did last Aug/Sept. Yeah, the Sandy perspective ought to be interesting.
You read “The Bad Guys Won”?
It was hard to see him go, out of principle, but I think Reuben will be more consistant over his career
Yes, kind of shot my respect for the 86 team (I was a Sunday season ticket holder)
Half season NL MVP choices?
Cutch. Votto. WRIGHT!
Votto, Wright and Beltran
Castro think there was 2 out?
I like Ike
me too! Man its noce to see him crash the barriers down
little more 2 out magic
I think thats a huge deal…it means the defense must be tense right until the 3rd out
If he would just get his head straight. The only reason I say that is because his defense indicates to me thathe is not focused
I hear ya. Im growing more and more concerned with Lucas on all fronts. His defense seems to be going backwards.
The 2 out runs are great. Psychologically it means to the team that they are clutch and can score no matter what the obstacle.
and he didnt have much ground to give!
and he didnt have much ground to give!
Duda needs to show more offensively because of his D.
I would not be surprised to see Lu Dude traded this winter
me neither.
He reminds of a pitcher ******** BP
I got bleeped for using the term for catching fly *****. I’m not English!
I now got bleeped for talking about the opposite of strikes
I was censored for just b a l l s the other day and c r a p!
Pretty Funny! A PG13 website. No problem. Better than the opposite
Soriano makes Duda look like a gold glover
true…on both fronts!
Gee only 38 pitches!
we need a real solid start after the last stretch!
murph is turning into a secondbaseman
Brian was right about Murphy but I do believe Valdespin is the future in the front offices eyes
someone(s) will need to be traded im afraid
It is a great bunch of guys but the right trade may accelerate the teams playoff chances in the future
Intersting RTs bat replacement totally different!
What was that about
Odd…thats for sure. Murph migh just go long here
very surprising that it wasn’t the same
Murphy “sure plays a mean pin ball”
Skate save!
and a beaut as Marv would say
I think its time to hang the “C” on #5s jersey
and put the money in his pocket
well he looked at a beauty there
David still flinches on the curve
and the inside
The walls coming in has helped him the most. He can now hit naturally to RC and not get outs
for sure. it was for certain the right move. and our home record shows it
I bunch of rich know nothings designing an outfield thinking that they know something. Awful
Amazing it passed any level of real reason in design
I see Gee as a good fifth starter for the next 2-3 years until someone in the minors pushes him out.
yep. and Murph played that well. I was at Citi when he got his knee blown out last Aug. It was sad
Gives you a sick feeling seeing something like that
thats for sure
Gee needs this out badly
Funny hearing Keiths grunts and groans in the background
that had break even Thole missed!
Just got in – what’s happening?
very clutch
Bay was traded for Hamels
I mean Lee
nice. I’ll settle for the score
3-1 Valdespin hr dAVIS hr 2 rbi
Gee pitching great
I thought it was Bay for Lee and Papelbon?
Thanks for the score.
Valdespin vetoed the addition of Papelbon
good read today Brian
PapelBUM – what do we want that guy for?
Something a little different – hope it was fun. I enjoyed writing it.
Spin could make a living off him thats for sure
a little speed there
Nice to see Rizzo make a mistake.
power, speed and youth. Good combo
ok. we got 2 out….time to score some runs!
of course
That was a pretty good camera thing there to show he missed the tag.
Really think it was a mistake?
tough play
You’re right – poor choice of words on my part.
SNY has the best shots
we needed some tack on runs, oh well
Im glad the Mets dropped all the black on the unis
Yes, it was way past time for the black to go.
Keith is funny. Hed be great to spend the evening with
Nice try be Gee
Gee looks real sharp today.
yeah. I say keep him going.
Hey everybody. I’m listening to the game today.
Welcome Robert
Its the bat
brand new lookin
it mattered@!!!
black and taped
line drive!
The great bat caper continues, holy smokes batman
the bat mystery…..
C’mon Murphy quit trying to go the other way on balls you should pull
Gents I’ve got to run. I’ll trust you’ll bring us home a victory! See you tomorrow.
Front office notices that also. Why have a Luis Castillo II when you can have Valdespin.
later B
Later Brian
reed johnson bunting????
Does Gee come out for the ninth??
Normally I would say yes but I’m reluctant to bring in Parnell not at the start of an inning
i say let him go. but parnell has impressed me so far
looks like geesdone
Not if Ike or Duda hit one out
Terry always looks to get Hairston an AB each game, which is a good thing
How come we all have the same do dad by our log in names? Got to ask Brian about that. They look silly.
well 3 outs to go. wish we had more than a 3 up there
some standard avatar
Bobby’s got to show he is a closer. I think he will today
Thanks Chris about the mystery and we also found out about the bat mystery!
Oh Oh
hes a met killer
Woo, made it back for the 9th, lets go Parnell
hi name
Rizzo reached?
Another exciting game, name.
uh oh
Good curve
He is pitching not throwing
oh my
what a catch
Unbelievable Reuben
Was Tejada’s catch as unbelievable as it sounded on radio?
absolutley PRO
Oh yeah it was
yes, it looked like it was going to fall in
A must see on the highlights tonight.
parnell actually caught a break there because he gets so many of them bloop hits
ss is not an issue for us thats for sure.
Not for years to come
he’s dealing right now
that WAS strike 3
i thought it was outside
That was a great way to close a game
ur all killing me!
Way to go Bobby and thank you Reuben
ok…nice job painting that.
Ruby Tuesday!! That kid is the real deal.
late feed huh Chris
I have to see the hightlights of Tejada’s catch. Have a great night everybody!
ciao. great day fellow Mets fans
Night all. Thanks for sharing
See ya metsense
Enjoyed the conversation, see you soon
lets hope sandy has something interesting to say!
i thought the cubs were throwing a lefty on sunday .. am i wrong?
According to ESPN, it’s RHP Ryan Dempster