Last week friend of the site James Preller – from the wonderful 2 Guys Talking Mets Baseball – asked me if I would collaborate with him on a post about Lucas Duda. It was like asking a college kid at midnight if he wanted some free pizza.

Anyway, click here to read the article.

2 comments on “Abbott & Costello, Halle Berry, cream soda and Lucas Duda

  • steevy

    Good job Brian.I know you and I are on the same page on this.The handling of Duda(and Davis) is another reason I question Sandy Alderson’s abilities.Not to mention keeping Terry Collins as manager!

  • Chris F

    Good read Brian. I love the conviction and the clarity of thought. Lucas is a quiet giant (perhaps a little Gil Hodges!)…maybe if we let him take a good long drink at 1B we would have an answer

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