Metsense Yesterday at 4:11 pm
I’m back!
Brian Yesterday at 4:11 pm
Hey Metsense
Metsense Yesterday at 4:12 pm
Hi Brian Stuart starts in right
Brian Yesterday at 4:12 pm
No Bader, No Marte, No Vientos in G1
Did you hear who the 27th man is today?
Name Yesterday at 4:14 pm
this team can only win series finales… so expecting to get swept today
Metsense Yesterday at 4:15 pm
Brian Yesterday at 4:15 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 4:15 pm
Negative wave Moriarty negative waves
Nice start Megill
Brian Yesterday at 4:19 pm
Hopefully we do better against Glasnow this time
If the 3-1 pitch was a strike, Pete, that one certainly was, too.
Metsense Yesterday at 4:24 pm
No I thought it was outside
Name Yesterday at 4:24 pm
we won’t have to say that once ABS is implemented
Brian Yesterday at 4:24 pm
And when do you think that happens?
Metsense Yesterday at 4:25 pm
Is it in triple A. ?
Brian Yesterday at 4:25 pm
Yes, think this is the second year. Hybrid challenge system/all game
Name Yesterday at 4:25 pm
well i saw reports that the challenge part is being considered for next year
Brian Yesterday at 4:26 pm
At this point, I don’t think it ever goes beyond challenges.
Metsense Yesterday at 4:27 pm
2 years maybe?
Name Yesterday at 4:27 pm
it could happen in 2027 once the current ump contract ends
Brian Yesterday at 4:27 pm
Swung at ball 4
Boo Yesterday at 4:28 pm
all the walks. Needs to bat lead off
Brian Yesterday at 4:28 pm
Alvarez starts rehab on Thursday. Glad Narvaez had his moment before he gets released.
Metsense Yesterday at 4:29 pm
It’s funny But You will get another job
Name Yesterday at 4:30 pm
semi robbery
would Bader have caught that?
Brian Yesterday at 4:31 pm
He robbed one the other day
Metsense Yesterday at 4:32 pm
Bader Wood have had it
Brian Yesterday at 4:34 pm
Did you see the news that Angel Hernandez is retiring?
Metsense Yesterday at 4:35 pm
Yes And yes he is a headcase
Brian Yesterday at 4:35 pm
CB Bucknor should be next
Metsense Yesterday at 4:37 pm
He is a problem too. Both of them Have attitudes And if you’re Referee or An umpire You have to have a good attitude
Brian Yesterday at 4:37 pm
Upgrade that semi-robbery to full robbery
Metsense Yesterday at 4:38 pm
The robbery Was Taylor made
Brian Yesterday at 4:39 pm
You were holding that one, weren’t you?
Metsense Yesterday at 4:40 pm
No but I’m glad you appreciate it
Usually I’m just Sew-sew
Name Yesterday at 4:41 pm
gonna be a tough day for offense if the ump keeps giving 3 inches off the plate
Metsense Yesterday at 4:42 pm
That was a quick inning
Brian Yesterday at 4:44 pm
At least in the first inning we drove up his pitch count
Metsense Yesterday at 4:49 pm
Pete didn’t even look At second. Maybe he is learning
Brian Yesterday at 4:49 pm
Thought that was trouble off the bat
Metsense Yesterday at 4:53 pm
Baty Has to start Hitting Or he will be In triple A.
Name Yesterday at 4:54 pm
a real SS probably has better footwork and gets the DP
Brian Yesterday at 4:55 pm
Wonder if Taylor is in the equation as a possible loss to get a MI on the roster
Name Yesterday at 4:55 pm
Joey Wendle is available again
Metsense Yesterday at 4:55 pm
Brian Yesterday at 4:56 pm
Been there, done that – rather have Iglesias
Name Yesterday at 4:56 pm
but it’s quite funny how the Braves tried to pick up the Mets crap for the 2nd time this year
they seem to playing Zack Short everyday, glad he’s doing didly squat
Metsense Yesterday at 4:57 pm
Taylor Is more valuable And he also hasn’t Options left. ??
Not sure
Brian Yesterday at 4:58 pm
FG says he does not have an option
Metsense Yesterday at 4:59 pm
I thought so
Name Yesterday at 5:00 pm
is Diaz still the closer? didn’t really get to follow the weekend games but saw he blew another game
Brian Yesterday at 5:01 pm
Thought Mendoza moved him back to closer a bit too soon
Hopefully we get to find out here in G1
Name Yesterday at 5:02 pm
ugh, JD ruins the chance for a crooked inning
Metsense Yesterday at 5:02 pm
The problem is That Garrett Isn’t At his peak Also
Brian Yesterday at 5:03 pm
I like Tyrone Taylor but he’s really slumping here lately. Getting close to The Galvis Line
4-29 in his last 16 games
Metsense Yesterday at 5:06 pm
He is Slumping He Is a good 4th Outfielder. Good defense
Brian Yesterday at 5:06 pm
Agreed – I don’t want to lose him
Metsense Yesterday at 5:10 pm
He is a FA 2027
Name Yesterday at 5:11 pm
the Mets need to sell high and dump Marte asap
Brian Yesterday at 5:11 pm
And Bader and Severino, too
Metsense Yesterday at 5:12 pm
I don’t think anyone will take him because of his Salary Next year
Brian Yesterday at 5:12 pm
But the Mets would probably have to eat more salary with Marte than they did with the old pitchers
Metsense Yesterday at 5:12 pm
bader and Severino yes
Brian Yesterday at 5:13 pm
I could see Gary rolling his eyes when he read that promo
Metsense Yesterday at 5:14 pm
Stuart’s Has a good eye
Is Marte Does average The remaining 2 years of his contract I’ll be satisfied
He is 35
Name Yesterday at 5:18 pm
bring home the g1 win, see ya for g2
Brian Yesterday at 5:20 pm
see you, Name
The check swing calls are out of control
Metsense Yesterday at 5:21 pm
Safe trip name
Brian Yesterday at 5:38 pm
Megill pitched a great game
Metsense Yesterday at 5:39 pm
87 P And he is cruising
Brian Yesterday at 5:44 pm
Glasnow has some quick innings
Glad to see Megill back out there. Guessing that since it was the bottom of the order they brought him back
Megill strikes out the side!
Metsense Yesterday at 5:51 pm
The bogeyman Will take him out
Brian Yesterday at 5:53 pm
I won’t be annoyed with yanking him here. He hasn’t pitched a lot
I’ve got a ZooKeepers game. Bring us home two wins!
Boo Yesterday at 6:27 pm
Two runs wont win you many games
Name Yesterday at 6:35 pm
came back to see the win!
Taylor fails with bases loaded
Boo Yesterday at 6:38 pm
Name Yesterday at 6:38 pm
and the offense falls flat
everyday it’s someone stepping up to lose
and the Met killer puts the rubber stamp on this game1
Name Yesterday at 6:58 pm
didn’t expect to win anyways
NYM6986 Yesterday at 7:03 pm
What a disappointing end to a great start by McGill. Smart safety squeeze by the Dodgers because that’s the kind of team they are. The Mets would never in 1 million years think of doing that when they had the bases loaded and only one out. That they could not even just get a fly ball to bring a run in is unconscionable. There is not much that makes me want to watch the second game of this doubleheader.
Name Yesterday at 7:08 pm
gotta give them credit for finding ways to lose everyday
Gus Yesterday at 8:06 pm
Hi guys. My sympathies for sitting through the first game. This team is cooked. No focus, no fire, no interest.
Metsense Yesterday at 8:15 pm
Vientos Hazbin
José Hunter Yesterday at 8:16 pm
Wow, the morse melancholic sadness is debilitating
Hey, that’s what you get when you expect a mathematician to deploy clever verbiage
Morose, not morse
Metsense Yesterday at 8:17 pm
Vientos has been going well
Morse like SOS
José Hunter Yesterday at 8:18 pm
The joy I obtain from watching that idiotic Dodger goosestep/ballet when they achieve anything better than a broken bat bloop single
The joy I obtain from watching that idiotic Dodger goosestep/ballet when they achieve anything better than a broken bat bloop single
I sense, Metsense, that you’re displeased
I have to say that I’m feeling cheerfukl
2024 represents the most mets games I’ve seen in…
holy crap, 36 years? I’m feeling fossilized
Not cheerfukl, that sounds vulgar
I should probably stop looking at my keyboard instead of the screen
Metsense Yesterday at 8:21 pm
I don’t think that This year They were Going to be good
José Hunter Yesterday at 8:22 pm
Do you think that any year?
Cmon now, fellas, who needs a big hug?
Metsense Yesterday at 8:23 pm
Can get the payroll Straighten out Then They can have Freedom Of choice
José Hunter Yesterday at 8:24 pm
Speaking of being cooked, I think Ottavino suffers from depression
He often looks like he’s about to cry
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:26 pm
That makes I believe 10 losses where they led near or at the end of the game. The failure is on the players not the manager or owner. A bunch of real underachievers in what is quickly shaping up
As a
Lost season
José Hunter Yesterday at 8:28 pm
I really feel bad for yous people. You’re in such a funk that me, of all people, is the person totally dominating this discussion!
I think the problem is they have no truly outstanding players
Metsense Yesterday at 8:31 pm
I think that is a good point
Name Yesterday at 8:42 pm
why didn’t i bet big on these 2 games
coulda made some money on the Mets misery
Boo Yesterday at 9:03 pm
#3 and #4 pitchers dot do well the third time through the lineup
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:11 pm
We do have to be happy how Megill and Quintana tossed the ball today.
Metsense Yesterday at 9:12 pm
Quintana was average 6 innings 3 runs
Name Yesterday at 9:13 pm
well these days 6 innings is above average
Metsense Yesterday at 9:13 pm
4.50 ERA
That is pretty average
Name Yesterday at 9:14 pm
in my book 6 IP 3 ER > 5 IP 2 ER
even though later is better ERA
Metsense Yesterday at 9:15 pm
7 IP 3 ER is better
Gus Yesterday at 9:16 pm
Hi again fellas. I see there’s more company now.
Name Yesterday at 9:26 pm
a hit!
Metsense Yesterday at 9:29 pm
S hit
Boo Yesterday at 9:32 pm
Hey this kid is saving the BP maybe they win tomorrow
Name Yesterday at 9:38 pm
they only games they do win are series finales
Metsense Yesterday at 9:40 pm
Tomorrow tomorrow as always tomorrow It is only a day away
Name Yesterday at 9:45 pm
if they keep salvaging they will lose 104 games!
Metsense Yesterday at 9:45 pm
91 pitches 0 hits He was pulled. BOOGEYMAN Strikes again
Name Yesterday at 9:49 pm
why isn’t Diaz pitching this mop up game?
it’s the only time safe to use him
Metsense Yesterday at 9:50 pm
Good point
Name Yesterday at 9:51 pm
looking back the turning point of the season was Diaz’s first blown save
Metsense Yesterday at 9:54 pm
Yep and the 3 subsequent games that he blew Was the icing On the cake
Name Yesterday at 10:01 pm
well, salvage special tomorrow
maybe, not even confident about that
Metsense Yesterday at 10:01 pm
It was a lost day. Thanks for the chatter Good night