ChrisF Yesterday at 6:47 pm
Looking like a significant rain delay for tonight
zk Yesterday at 6:53 pm
Great news! Make it last two hours and maybe I can see the end of it — Brian
Metsense Yesterday at 8:14 pm
We are starting
José Hunter Yesterday at 8:34 pm
Woe is me! Yet another substandard stream(east). If only someone cared about my suffering…
Metsense Yesterday at 8:35 pm
The 1 I use is really Reliable I only lose it once or twice a day
José Hunter Yesterday at 8:36 pm
I understand that I am unworthy. I bet mom would tell me
news world sports appear to be functional
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:54 pm
Evening Mets fans
Metsense Yesterday at 8:55 pm
Hi there Chris
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:56 pm
interesting article i read that McNeil has zero trade value, and the Mets would need to eat the whole salary
Metsense Yesterday at 8:57 pm
That was my feeling
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:57 pm
that was coming from an AL scout
Metsense Yesterday at 8:58 pm
I’m not even a boy scout
McNeil Get hot streak….. Eventually
Name Yesterday at 9:01 pm
knuckleball pitcher!
Metsense Yesterday at 9:02 pm
JD delivers
2 run double
Name Yesterday at 9:07 pm
such a disgrace Tatis is allowed to play
can Manaea get thru 5?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:16 pm
I’m not sure That he can survive 5th No matter what his Pitch count is
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:20 pm
curious about your alls threshold for buy/sell/hold
Metsense Yesterday at 9:28 pm
Sell anyone Who can be replaced internally
Name Yesterday at 9:29 pm
sell anyone outpitching projections
or outhitting
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:29 pm
Evening Met fans
Name Yesterday at 9:31 pm
always sell relievers, they are too fickle
Metsense Yesterday at 9:31 pm
Hi NYM6986
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:31 pm
I’m ready to back
up the truck
Metsense Yesterday at 9:33 pm
Ottavino and Smith Could be replaced With nunez and young
Name Yesterday at 9:33 pm
but don’t trade for minor league relievers, they are useless as we saw in 2017 selloff
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:34 pm
As long as we are suffering why not see what the kids can do
Metsense Yesterday at 9:36 pm
I don’t wanna see A kid That isn’t Ready
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:36 pm
Totally agree
Name Yesterday at 9:36 pm
it’s weird how people prefer to see youngsters suffer than veterans suffer
Metsense Yesterday at 9:37 pm
There are no Position Prospects Ready This year yet
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:37 pm
It’s us who are suffering
Metsense Yesterday at 9:38 pm
Are we really suffering ? You really think that you would be Competitive this year?
Name Yesterday at 9:39 pm
Manaea trying for the rare 6 ip outing
not looking likely now
oops, can’t even get 1 in out in the 6th
Metsense Yesterday at 9:40 pm
Surprisingly he has A couple 6 IP outings
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:40 pm
I did. Maybe a little more than .500. Who would think that essentially the whole team would struggle to score meaningful runs
Name Yesterday at 9:42 pm
Ottavino really dropping in the pecking order
Metsense Yesterday at 9:43 pm
Mendoza Doesn’t Mince The assignments
Name Yesterday at 9:43 pm
a rare CS with Ottavino on the mound!
Metsense Yesterday at 9:43 pm
And it’s the 1st 1 for alvarez
Name Yesterday at 9:44 pm
first CS for Ottavino since 5/30 of last year
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:45 pm
They showed a stat of how much lower the ERA is with Alvarez behind the plate
Metsense Yesterday at 9:46 pm
He is a field general
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:50 pm
Good description
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:51 pm
Nice comments. Im pretty much ready to start dealing. I think the 3.5 back of the last WC spot is a complete joke. Time to build a better future team, because this team is not going anywhere
im not sure losing the shift has really hurt defense too much
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:52 pm
I’m glad we all appear to be coming around to the same thought of selling
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:52 pm
those up the middle burners were heroic Ozzie Smith grabs, now they’re just barely more than routine
Im here in nowhere Washington State doing some grocery shopping today and I see a guy woth a Braves hat on. Unreal
Name Yesterday at 9:54 pm
offense was up last year but now back down to shift levels
Metsense Yesterday at 9:54 pm
They need to sell Alonso And severino Because of their value No matter what Standing is
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:54 pm
Ozzie was a tad under 6 feet. The infielders are all much bigger these days
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:54 pm
That’s how I feel Metsense
Name Yesterday at 9:55 pm
Mendoza now making Otta do long relief!
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:55 pm
earlier in the year, I was totally sold on signing Alonzo to a long-term contract, but not something unreasonable like he wants.
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:55 pm
ahh yes, hustling Manny
NYM6986 Yesterday at 9:55 pm
now facing just getting a fourth round draft pick if he walks, they really do need to deal him at the deadline
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:55 pm
what an a$$ – Id never what him on my team
Metsense Yesterday at 9:56 pm
Him and Chisholm dog it
Mendoza managers Like it is the 7th game Of the world series
Name Yesterday at 9:59 pm
he’s said multiple times he manages to win today and worries about tomorrow tomorrow
Metsense Yesterday at 10:01 pm
I’m Not used to that. What floats his boat Is all right
Name Yesterday at 10:08 pm
mr walks a lot does his usual thing
Metsense Yesterday at 10:09 pm
He is a nibbler
Let’s get a insurancei run 1 or 2
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:18 pm
or not
I think JDM brings back a better haul that Pet
Name Yesterday at 10:18 pm
can’t wait for Diaz to blow this game
Metsense Yesterday at 10:19 pm
I was thinking about the The 8th inning
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:19 pm
Ugh. Well this is a managerial hot seat
Metsense Yesterday at 10:20 pm
No Chris, That’s not gonna happen
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:20 pm
Mike Nickeas as Catcher…wow. I forgot that
RA super classy guy. That back to back 1 hitters in June ‘12 was something else
Metsense Yesterday at 10:22 pm
He was 1 of my favorite Mets In all time
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:22 pm
yeah. Easy to like.
Metsense Yesterday at 10:23 pm
Is autobiography What’s a good read
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:23 pm
for sure.
Metsense Yesterday at 10:23 pm
He was an Unique individual
Name Yesterday at 10:24 pm
who has a brighter future : Reid-Foley or Garrett?
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:24 pm
looks like Lindor doesnt really care about broken in gloves. He seems to have a new gamer just about every week
Metsense Yesterday at 10:25 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:26 pm
Yikes, I guess it will be Diaz for 9
Name Yesterday at 10:27 pm
is it possible to win back to back games with 3 hits a piece?
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:27 pm
that seems like some sort of record
Metsense Yesterday at 10:27 pm
They’re going to get a hit and run now
Name Yesterday at 10:28 pm
or more likely Diaz will blow it
even knuckleballers are subjected to the 100 pitch bogeyman?
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:30 pm
back as a kid I used to collect autographs and had a thing called The Address List, which had home addresses of baseball players (from tax records?). Anyway, I wrote a letter to Satchel Paige and he was super classy and instead of returning the index card I sent home, he returned a signed HoF card
McNeil sucks
Metsense Yesterday at 10:30 pm
That is cool Chris
Name Yesterday at 10:31 pm
man no such thing as privacy back then if a kid could find anyone’s address
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:32 pm
So did Bob Feller. He just put a stamp on it, and sent it in the mail
for sure Name. Was a very niche place this could be gotten. I was lucky to find out that Gary Carter lived a few blocks from me. He was truely awesome and gracious
Name Yesterday at 10:33 pm
4 hits now instead of 3
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:33 pm
time for a JDM HR
Metsense Yesterday at 10:34 pm
A chance for the run
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:35 pm
he was on that one.
Name Yesterday at 10:35 pm
that seems like some sort of record Gary just said April 1995 in case you have it on mute
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:35 pm
thanks Name
i would have guessed a lot longer than that.
smart to not give JD the strike there
Name Yesterday at 10:37 pm
and it was the Rockies too
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:37 pm
Brian Yesterday at 10:37 pm
Hey Mets fans
Metsense Yesterday at 10:37 pm
Let’s cash in
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:37 pm
Name Yesterday at 10:37 pm
just in time to see Diaz lose this thing
bagpipe time
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:38 pm
Buckle up folks, the trumpets are blaring
Brian Yesterday at 10:38 pm
Just in time to see Pete ground out weakly
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:38 pm
youre mWAR took a dive there
Metsense Yesterday at 10:38 pm

Name Yesterday at 10:39 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 10:39 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:39 pm
brutal Name, brutal
Metsense Yesterday at 10:40 pm
That was a classic, Name
Name Yesterday at 10:42 pm
here we go
it’s more fitting for the scrub to deliver the blow anyways
the scrub almost did it
Metsense Yesterday at 10:47 pm
McNeil Covers a lot of ground
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:48 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 10:48 pm
Name Yesterday at 10:48 pm
Brian Yesterday at 10:48 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 10:48 pm
Name Yesterday at 10:49 pm
7 hits, 2 days, 2 wins
Metsense Yesterday at 10:49 pm
JD Does it again
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:49 pm
JD racking up real trade value
Metsense Yesterday at 10:50 pm
Only if they get Their price
NYM6986 Yesterday at 10:50 pm
Nice back to back efforts
Metsense Yesterday at 10:51 pm
Thanks for the chatter good night
ChrisF Yesterday at 10:51 pm