I’d like to add multiple writers for the site. I’m looking for people to write our regular articles and also one person to write quick hitters six or more times per month.
If you’re interested in writing our regular articles, the minimum requirement is one article per month, although you can write more if you wish. You can write about any Mets-specific topic you’d like, although if I write a piece about Brandon Nimmo on Sunday, we don’t need another story on him Thursday. Your articles should be at least 750 words long. The idea isn’t for you to count words and add filler to reach that count. Instead, it’s in place to get you to pick topics that lend themselves to a story of that length. It sounds harder than it actually is. Steven’s article Tuesday had 1,423 words. My piece earlier today had 1,148 and was written in under 90 minutes.
The quick hitters will be a new thing for us as a regular feature. You would need to write at least one every week – not six one week and taking the rest of the month off – and others as appropriate. These would be in the 300-word range. A little shorter would be okay but clearly more than 150 words. Again, you would have free rein in which topics to write. But it should be something that just happened – like a trade or free agent signing or minor league promotion – or a topic that’s worth discussing but there’s not enough there for a full article.
This is a wonderful, tight-knit community where people read articles and give honest feedback in a civil way. Our readers are passionate adults who are interested in learning about the team and discussing all things Mets. You’ll be writing for an intelligent, well-informed audience. Which means your articles will have to have more substance than, “The Mets are great!” You should be looking to tell our smart readership something they don’t already know.
If you’re interested in learning more, please fill out the brief survey below. After you submit the form, completed entries will disappear from the page and the message, “Your form has been successfully submitted” will appear in its place. I will contact you at the email you provide on the form from mets360@outlook .com (with the space omitted) within 24 hours to get things rolling.