Brian Yesterday at 4:09 pm
Keep those hits coming!
Black uniforms last night, City Connects today – sigh
Metsense Yesterday at 4:11 pm
Megill Is due to have a good game
I hope
Brian Yesterday at 4:12 pm
There’s a new job for Marte – videographer
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:14 pm
Got to admire Mendoza for not starting McNeil against the lefty
Metsense Yesterday at 4:14 pm
Me too
Brian Yesterday at 4:14 pm
McNeil generally hits LHP well.
Iglesias deserves some playing time and it’s not a given where those should be.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:15 pm
Brooks Robinson at 3B
cant replace Vientos or Lindor
Metsense Yesterday at 4:15 pm
Ig Iglesias Careerwise Is it good Hitter vs LHP
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:16 pm
he’s stout a solid glove too. Made some nice plays when he replaced Vientos at 3B for D last night
Brian Yesterday at 4:17 pm
Lifetime Iglesias has a .765 OPS vs LHP
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:17 pm
Megill playing for his roster spot today.
Metsense Yesterday at 4:18 pm
Iglesias is a bench player except This year McNeil Isn’t doing so well
Brian Yesterday at 4:18 pm
McNeil at .742
Nice inning, Megill
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:18 pm
Too early to mention Megill’s got a perfect game going
Metsense Yesterday at 4:20 pm
If Jeff was hitting this year It wouldn’t even be a discussion
Brian Yesterday at 4:21 pm
Go Lindor Go
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:23 pm
Can’t imagine how many balls they go through over the course of a game when they keep throwing them out of play.
Metsense Yesterday at 4:23 pm
Every 7 pictures is the average
Brian Yesterday at 4:23 pm
Yeah, it used to be the ball was in play for an average of 7 pitches. Now it’s probably 3
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:24 pm
Do you think they put any back in play?or are they all,new balls out to the ump
Brian Yesterday at 4:24 pm
I know they do in my collegiate league.
With all of the issues surrounding oxycodone, I’m a little surprised they let the Astros have a sponsored OXY patch
I assume it’s the cleaner and not the drug. But still…
Those running Mets
Metsense Yesterday at 4:28 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:28 pm
it’s actually for Occidental Petroleum, but the fact that they call it oxy is absurd when you consider 100,000 people died of overdose this past year
Brian Yesterday at 4:28 pm
Aha – thanks
Metsense Yesterday at 4:28 pm
Smart marketing You think?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:29 pm
7 year sponsorship deal for the patch and they have been a long time sponsor
Brian Yesterday at 4:29 pm
Well the Astros used to play in Enron Field so they have a history of questionable sponsors
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:30 pm
There’s the old joke about Enron field that they removed section 401k when the stock crashed
Brian Yesterday at 4:31 pm
2 pitches for that ball
4 pitches for that ball
1 for that ball
1 for that ball
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:34 pm
just bought new Met tshirts formthe grandsons but will never by these ugly City aconnects
Brian Yesterday at 4:35 pm
2 for that ball
just bought new Met tshirts formthe grandsons but will never by these ugly City aconnects Good – hope it wasn’t the black one, either
1 for that ball
1 for that ball
1 for that ball – yuck
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:36 pm
Always staying with the Blue and Orange.
Sorry I jinxed the perfect game
Metsense Yesterday at 4:36 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:37 pm
I checked to see if Rawlings was a publicly traded company so we could all invest in replacement baseballs. But it’s not
Brian Yesterday at 4:37 pm
That surprises me
Metsense Yesterday at 4:37 pm
Don’t worry , I didn’t think He could anyway
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:39 pm
no walks two innings
Brian Yesterday at 4:39 pm
6 pitches for that ball. I assume they use a new ball at the change of inning but I don’t know that.
19 pitches, 9 balls or a little over 2 per ball
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:40 pm
not sure what we did before Google. 96-120 balls are used per game. Guess I would have had to look in my World Book encyclopedia
Brian Yesterday at 4:41 pm
There were always HR hit and foul balls into the stands. So you wonder how they got to that 7-pitch per ball figure. There must have been some balls in for 20 pitches
I find it hard to believe there’s a 9-inning game where fewer than 100 balls or used.
I don’t know what the average pitches per game is. My guess is around 270
Tough error
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:45 pm
Scored it a hit??
Brian Yesterday at 4:45 pm
They scored it a hit
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:46 pm
absurd. It hit his glove
Brian Yesterday at 4:46 pm
Maybe you can say a MLB player has to make that play. I don’t think it’s a terrible call to say that’s not an average play
And we get a run!
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:47 pm
Iglesius trying to hit .400 this year. Love small, ball
Metsense Yesterday at 4:47 pm
That is a dumb ass play
Brian Yesterday at 4:47 pm
Pinky puts us ahead
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:47 pm
no outs and back to the top of the order.
Brian Yesterday at 4:48 pm
Steven – do you want to do the GR tonight? I have a game and have to leave around 6 or so.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:48 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 4:49 pm
It was good last game Steven
Brian Yesterday at 4:49 pm
Take your time and I’ll post it when I get hom
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:50 pm
Thanks. Brian’s a toug act to follow
Brian Yesterday at 4:51 pm
Nimmo with the gift double
Metsense Yesterday at 4:52 pm
Let’s cash in
Brian Yesterday at 4:53 pm
98 – wow
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:53 pm
Not to be a pig but an Alonso single would be fine here
Brian Yesterday at 4:53 pm
you got it!
Metsense Yesterday at 4:53 pm
Oink oink
Brian Yesterday at 4:55 pm
Now for Megill to keep throwing strikes
McNeil would have made that play!
NYM6986 Yesterday at 4:59 pm
Iglesias batting .405 with that massive dribbler in front of the plate. It will look like a line drive in the box score
Metsense Yesterday at 5:00 pm
Iglesias Can’t get cut This year. He is a Cash cow And money maker For the Mets
Brian Yesterday at 5:02 pm
Glad to get the call but I don’t believe that’s a strike
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:03 pm
keep going Tylor – the pen needs a break.
Brian Yesterday at 5:06 pm
Out of the blue and into the black!
Metsense Yesterday at 5:06 pm
This offense is unreal
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:08 pm
Iglesias at .421. Someone pinch us.
Vientos has 10 HT
Hr in 37 games
Metsense Yesterday at 5:10 pm
He is a 280 Career batting average
Brian Yesterday at 5:10 pm
Consistent playing time has done wonders for him.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:11 pm
cleon was a 281 career hitter but hit .340 for the miraclenMets
Metsense Yesterday at 5:14 pm
Vientos Hit a home run Every 12.6 ab This year
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:15 pm
Smart throw to first
Metsense Yesterday at 5:16 pm
It was a tough play
Brian Yesterday at 5:17 pm
FG has updated stats. With the HR, Vientos now has a 169 wRC+
It’s only 139 PA but … does he have an AS case?
Metsense Yesterday at 5:18 pm
He is a keeper.
Brian Yesterday at 5:20 pm
Pitch 3count for Megill is good but 3 runs in 3.1 IP is not
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:21 pm
Sorry fat fingers. Forgot these guys can hit
Brian Yesterday at 5:22 pm
Keith, the Astros aren’t doing anything to Megill that every other team that’s faced him this month.
Metsense Yesterday at 5:23 pm
megill is a muli inning reliever
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:23 pm
only thing different is he has not walked a batter
Megill goes down and is replaced in t
the next start by Butto
Brian Yesterday at 5:27 pm
I guess that evens out the gift double earlier for Nimmo
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:30 pm
petes chasing again
Metsense Yesterday at 5:32 pm
Megill is better than Adcock
Brian Yesterday at 5:36 pm
Megill is better than Adcock Are we sure?
Did you see that Joe Vasile sang the National Anthem before one of their games?
Metsense Yesterday at 5:38 pm
I didn’t see that
Brian Yesterday at 5:38 pm
He posted it on Facebook
Metsense Yesterday at 5:40 pm
He is a jack of all trades
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:40 pm
anybody warming up?
Brian Yesterday at 5:41 pm
They said no one was during the Alvarez mound visit
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:41 pm
that’s a mistake
Need a DP
Brian Yesterday at 5:46 pm
Does Megill’s hat not have the bridge on it?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:48 pm
way to battle. Dare he start the 6th?
Brian Yesterday at 5:49 pm
I expect a Mendoza special where he sends him out and removes him as soon as he gives up a baserunner.
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:49 pm
He did that Quintana
big bad end of the lineup due up
Metsense Yesterday at 5:50 pm
Why not? Every Out Counts
NYM6986 Yesterday at 5:54 pm
iglesias at .436. Got to bring him in
Metsense Yesterday at 5:54 pm
Brian Yesterday at 5:55 pm
Hard to believe he wasn’t in the majors last year.
Metsense Yesterday at 5:56 pm
Any isn’t a problem teammate either
NYM6986 Yesterday at 6:02 pm
still at 97
Brian Yesterday at 6:02 pm
Yeah, he should be throwing that more
NYM6986 Yesterday at 6:04 pm
don’t think we would’ve worn those color spikes back in my playing games. Mostly because they didn’t make them
Brian Yesterday at 6:10 pm
Well done, Adcock
I’ve got to run – bring us home the win!
Metsense Yesterday at 6:10 pm
Will do, enjoy your game
NYM6986 Yesterday at 6:10 pm
Habe a good night. Keep the fingers crossed
Metsense Yesterday at 6:27 pm
Vientos With a good Strong throw
The eyeball test Gives him a Passing grade
NYM6986 Yesterday at 7:05 pm
The damn walks 4 in the inning and 3 scored
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:20 pm
Afternoon Mets fans
NYM6986 Yesterday at 7:21 pm
Hey Chris. This is where we miss Diaz
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:21 pm
sounds bad
NYM6986 Yesterday at 7:21 pm
Led Until the top of the 8th
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:22 pm
who is to blame?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 7:23 pm
four walks and three of them scored
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:23 pm
from who?
not throwing strikes is an ugly hallmark of this staff
NYM6986 Yesterday at 7:48 pm
That’s the last time we let Brian leave to do something else. Severino tomorrow for the series win and a chance to finish the month of June over 500