In the Gut Reaction for yesterday’s win, Gus expressed relief for the bats finally showing up and also looked forward to the upcoming series with the Mariners. He said:

“I do like the pitching: Severino, Manaea, and Quintana are the Mets best three.”

It occurs to me that you could make a case for any three of the current five to be the club’s best threesome. The three that Gus picked are the ones with the most experience. But that doesn’t necessarily make them the best. Here’s a thought on each:

Paul Blackburn – Pitches to all four quadrants of the strike zone
Sean Manaea – Has made 22 starts this year, with 17 being average or better, two below average and three stinkers
David Peterson – Has a 3.34 ERA, a 4.44 FIP and a 5.32 xERA
Jose Quintana – In his last nine starts he’s 5-2 with a 2.25 ERA. And a 4.45 FIP
Luis Severino – Has 12 starts this year where he’s allowed 2 ER or fewer and eight where he’s given up 4 ER or more

There are several potential three-pitcher combinations here but there’s no point listing out each one. Instead, we’ll base our choices on Gus’ preferred three. If you pick one of the other two options in the poll, elaborate who would be in your top three with a comment.

Who are the Mets' best three SP?

  • Two of Gus' picks + one other (55%, 6 Votes)
  • Gus got it right - Severino, Manaea and Quintana (45%, 5 Votes)
  • One of Gus' picks + two others (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 11

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3 comments on “Poll: Who are the Mets’ best three SP?

  • Metsense

    Right now, Manaea, Quintana and Blackburn.
    Manaea is the best starter, hands down.
    Quintana is on a nice roll.
    Blackburn with only two starts has two quality starts of six innings and one run in both of them.
    Peterson struggles to pitch more than five innings. Seven of his 12 starts are five innings or less. When Garrett, Nunez and SRF get activated then Butto should take Peterson place in the rotation and Peterson should be in the bullpen as a lefty reliever.
    Severino in his last two games wasn’t very impressive. He could be in a slump or the season is taking his toll on his arm. They should monitor his situation but I think it’s only a slump.

  • José Hunter


    Yes, I realize that Butto has approximately 0 IPs as a SP, but (to) I don’t care

    Also, I like the concept of 2 Joses and a Sean

  • Brian Joura

    For me, Manaea definitely belongs and Severino definitely doesn’t. After that – flip a coin. Ultimately, I went with Blackburn, Manaea and Quintana. Peterson’s doing it with mirrors and run support. I’d pick him if you could guarantee me the run support – the old, it’s better to be lucky than good…

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