Rick JM Yesterday at 7:04 pm
Hey Brian
Brian Yesterday at 7:04 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:04 pm
Sent you a short email, read at your convenience
Brian Yesterday at 7:09 pm
Read it. I have no illusions that these people we watch and listen to are choir boys or evolved people. It’s hard to compartmentalize things but that’s what I try to do, unless someone is a jerk about it, like Curt Schilling.
I’m hoping for good Q
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:14 pm
Evening Mets fans
Brian Yesterday at 7:14 pm
Nice to see Nimmo back out there
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:14 pm
throw 10/10
Just saw the under won last night. Didnt catch the elapsed time
Brian Yesterday at 7:17 pm
Not sure what the final was but I think it would have been the under even if the game started on time, which it didn’t
The box score on B-R had the game as 2:22
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:19 pm
looks like bad q
Brian Yesterday at 7:20 pm
that’s not good. Looked middle-middle live
and Keith says hanging curve on top of that
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:22 pm
OK, Bri
How hard is it not to give up a HR with 2 outs, 1 on, 3-2 count, and a guy 3rd in MLB in HRs?
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:23 pm
IM trying to envision how that could be answered
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:26 pm
What just happened? My stream just did a black cat on “Matrix” on me
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:28 pm
not much…Mets oout
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:28 pm
I meant a 10 second loop
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:30 pm
i cant believe I just had my first Mets v Orioles 69 WS connection
one of my favorite memorabilia bits are my complete set to ticket stubs for the WS
Metsense Yesterday at 7:34 pm
What series?
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:35 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 7:35 pm
You went??
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:36 pm
i did not. I collected them. My first game at Shea was 1970, but I di have my 69 pennants
Metsense Yesterday at 7:39 pm
I went to 2 games in 86 and a Yanks-Dodgers one game
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:39 pm
which games?
Metsense Yesterday at 7:40 pm
#2 and #6
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:43 pm
6 must have been something
Metsense Yesterday at 7:43 pm
It was the most amazing time Time in baseball for me
Shea stadium Literally shuck
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:45 pm
For many years as a kid I thought the name was Shake Stadium
that place could move!
who started game 6?
Metsense Yesterday at 7:46 pm
I was a Sunday season Holder From86Through 90
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:46 pm
oh wow!!
i lived upstate so we always went via charter bus
Metsense Yesterday at 7:47 pm
Add my company Was Season ticket holders 87-88
And I was in charge of the tickets
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:48 pm
quite convenient !
Metsense Yesterday at 7:48 pm
Not really , it was a2 hour drive both ways
Brian Yesterday at 7:49 pm
think he meant you being in charge of tickets
Metsense Yesterday at 7:49 pm
I live further than Keith Hernandez Did
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:50 pm
which direction?
further out LI?
Metsense Yesterday at 7:50 pm
East Hampton
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:50 pm
ahh, right
Metsense Yesterday at 7:50 pm
He lived in Sag harbor
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:51 pm
thats a haul for sure. I got to stony brook and even that far is a fight
Metsense Yesterday at 7:52 pm
Stony brook was 1 1⁄2 hours away from my house
It is a long long long island
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:53 pm
it os indeed
i did a wine crawl by limo one year with friends. It was quite dangerous…all across LI
Rick JM Yesterday at 7:54 pm
Wine crawl by limo sounds like slowly-moving danger
Brian Yesterday at 7:56 pm
Winker generally gets the job done but I don’t have a ton of confidence when the balls is hit to him.
Metsense Yesterday at 7:58 pm
He isn’t a good fielder, And he’s worse off in right field
ChrisF Yesterday at 7:58 pm
very dangerous indeed
Metsense Yesterday at 7:58 pm
Winker ???
Brian Yesterday at 7:58 pm
Of course he’s here to hit – would like him to start doing that.
leadoff walk – let’s cut into the lead
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:00 pm
Two on!
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:01 pm
HR timr
Metsense Yesterday at 8:01 pm
Two out RALLY
Walk like this
Woodrow Yesterday at 8:02 pm
Maybe they’ll get back in it
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:07 pm
Brian Yesterday at 8:07 pm
get some wheels, McNeil
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:07 pm
for real
Metsense Yesterday at 8:08 pm
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:08 pm
He must’ve gotten no jump off of first
Brian Yesterday at 8:09 pm
no excuse with two outs
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:10 pm
last night they were talking about the Mets being a fit for Santander. He’s got some pretty good stats, and shouldn’t command top dollar.
Brian Yesterday at 8:12 pm
isn’t he 2nd in the AL in homers?
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:14 pm
and thats why the Os are so darn good
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:14 pm
Yes behind Jusge
Brian Yesterday at 8:15 pm
can’t imagine a guy who is coming off a 40-HR season will be cheap
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:15 pm
8th season with the O’s. Avg 33 HR 94 RBI. Just 29
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:16 pm
well, this one is done
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:16 pm
My god, WTF just happened?
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:16 pm
Do all our former players kick our ass?
Brian Yesterday at 8:16 pm
freakin’ McCann – why didn’t you do that when you were here?
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:17 pm
Get Santana outta there
Metsense Yesterday at 8:18 pm
McCann is a bum
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:18 pm
McCann crushed it
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:18 pm
i think the leather came off that
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:18 pm
get santana the phuck outta there
the flox
why doesn’
Metsense Yesterday at 8:20 pm
mcCann finally earned his pay
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:20 pm
are we still paying him’/
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:20 pm
why doesn’t trigger happy mendoza take this slab of meat out there?
Brian Yesterday at 8:20 pm
yep – this is the last year
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:20 pm
10M this year
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:21 pm
excellent. Nice we could get some bases from him
Rick JM Yesterday at 8:22 pm
ya know
this is the first year since 1987 that I’ve watched so many Mets games
I hafta say I’m disappointed
Who is Kevin James?
Metsense Yesterday at 8:23 pm
LeBron’s brother
Brian Yesterday at 8:24 pm
Etta’s grandson
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:25 pm
The next DH
Brian Yesterday at 8:26 pm
Not good, Winker
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:30 pm
Jessie’s cousin
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:31 pm
That 69 team just is pure energy for my soul
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:32 pm
Agree. It was the best
Brian Yesterday at 8:34 pm
How much longer until the booth starts looking at baseball cards?
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:35 pm
its past time
Brian Yesterday at 8:36 pm
Would Pinky have caught that one?
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:36 pm
i dont think so
Metsense Yesterday at 8:37 pm
Taylor is a better
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:38 pm
Might as well send Quintana out for another inning
Metsense Yesterday at 8:40 pm
Steven. I think you’re right. Why not
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:40 pm
Bad enough they still need to cover three more innings
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:41 pm
3 2/3!!!
woops. Sorrt
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:42 pm
ChrisF Yesterday at 8:43 pm
4, right? 6-9
NYM6986 Yesterday at 8:43 pm
was counting after Q went out for the 6th
Brian Yesterday at 8:51 pm
We should have started Ottavino
Metsense Yesterday at 8:52 pm
Quintana has a 6.89 ERAin Aug
And this will be his 3rd loss In august
Put him in the bullpen When Nunez Get back
Brian Yesterday at 8:53 pm
Need a crooked number here
They don’t seem inclined to move Butto back to the rotation
Metsense Yesterday at 8:55 pm
I know But it wouldn’t make sense
Brian Yesterday at 8:56 pm
We’re using the “C” relievers tonight
Metsense Yesterday at 8:57 pm
I meant It would make sense
Brian Yesterday at 8:57 pm
At this point, the only way Q leaves the rotation is if Scott is able to come back
Metsense Yesterday at 8:58 pm
Scott should be in the bullpen also
He has restricted innings
Metsense Yesterday at 9:07 pm
So who goes when nunez is ready?
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:12 pm
Is this a 2 set?
Brian Yesterday at 9:12 pm
It won’t be an easy choice. I’d cut Stanek
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:12 pm
The HP ump, besides being a schitty umpire
Brian Yesterday at 9:13 pm
Is this a 2 set? no, day game tomorrow
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:13 pm
is about 3 foot eleven
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:13 pm
thx B
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:13 pm
When the o’s catcher was on his knee, he was almost taller than the HP ump
Metsense Yesterday at 9:14 pm
I think Stanek also
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:14 pm
that last pitch to stinky was clearly outside
I meant binky… pinky
I still think my stream is about a minute behind everyone. Stream don’t like I
Brian Yesterday at 9:15 pm
Brazoban may be in trouble, too.
ChrisF Yesterday at 9:15 pm
he should be
Brian Yesterday at 9:16 pm
Believe he has an option, while Otto and Stanek do not
Metsense Yesterday at 9:16 pm
Danny young Has pitched well This year
I think he has multiple Options
Brazoban has Multiple options
The C Relievers Did well well tonight
Brian Yesterday at 9:26 pm
That may be the Gut Reaction highlight of the night
Lindor says – don’t forget about me
Metsense Yesterday at 9:28 pm
You have to mention The robber baron McCann With venom
Brian Yesterday at 9:28 pm
Any interest in writing it tonight?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:29 pm
No It’s a disgusting game
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:29 pm
That HP ump is terrible
Brian Yesterday at 9:30 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 9:31 pm
Brian Yesterday at 9:33 pm
Metsense Yesterday at 9:33 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:34 pm
Uh, WTF is happening?
Is Mendoza sending ESP bullpen management tips to the o’s manager?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:35 pm
Go back to sleep, We’ll Wake you When we get the leav
Brian Yesterday at 9:36 pm
c’mon Pete – keep it going
Metsense Yesterday at 9:41 pm
Ball 4
Brian Yesterday at 9:42 pm
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:42 pm
Pinky Pinky Pinky
Dude, cut The Pinkness some slack
Metsense, I was not asleep. I was temporarily braindead. You guys would call it “watching youtube”
Metsense Yesterday at 9:45 pm
I can hear you Snoring
Brian Yesterday at 9:48 pm
C’mon Young – don’t ruin the good night for the low-leverage relievers
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:48 pm
Well, I’m sure I would be wide awake if I had the volume on KRG’s scintillating banter
OK, I think it would be a justifiable gamble to bring in Diaz/Butto
Brian Yesterday at 9:50 pm
wow – good thing Chris isn’t here. He’d be losing his mind over that
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:50 pm
I hate being 100% right
Metsense Yesterday at 9:50 pm
Ping pong
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:51 pm
That was some keystone kops play
OK, I am not a bad person, not really. I don’t deserve to suffer
Question: Would the Mets have a better W/L record if Brian J. was manager?
My totally serious answer is “probably”
Metsense Yesterday at 9:55 pm
no, The GM
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:55 pm
At least an argument can be made that Stearns is pretty good, that is, proven track record
But Mendoza?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:56 pm
Can I be Mister bec
Can I be Mister Met??
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:56 pm
I mean seriously, why am I 100% certain that my move, to bring in Butto/Diaz, would give us at least a CHANCE???
Brian Yesterday at 9:57 pm
A comeback win over Kimbrel will be very satisfying
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:57 pm
Dude, you can be Grimace
Or maybe the OMG chihuahua
Kimbrel? He’s on this team?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:58 pm
I wouldn’t have used Diaz In the ninth
Rick JM Yesterday at 9:58 pm
Guys, don’t know about yous, but I am having fun despite the torture
Butto, then?
Metsense Yesterday at 9:59 pm
no, They were losing by 2 runs
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:01 pm
hey, I’m no preofessional. My spidy-sense told me Young was going to give up runs
Brian Yesterday at 10:02 pm
go out with a whimper. Maybe we’ll have better luck tomorrow in the sunshine
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:02 pm
Hey, it ain’t over till it’s over
uh, it’s over
Metsense Yesterday at 10:02 pm
Thanks for the chatter , I’m
Good night
Rick JM Yesterday at 10:02 pm
Hey, take care soul peoples
good night sense