Mets360 Draft series: The 2000 MLB Draft

If nothing else, hopefully having the team’s top minor league affiliate in the hitter-friendly Pacific Coast League the past several years has taught individuals the need for context. An .800 OPS in the International League is a different beast than the same mark in the PCL. Perhaps nowhere is context needed more than with the [...]

Mets360 expectations and comment policy

Thanks for reading Mets360! This site exists for me to escape the non-stop complaining I experience in other areas of my life. Try to be civil and not so depressing while you’re here and we’ll get along just fine. Furthermore, this is not a democracy; at best it’s a benevolent dictatorship. Here are the rules [...]

Site update

Here's hoping all the days ahead Won't be as bitter as the ones behind you. Be an optimist instead, And somehow happiness will find you. Forget what happened yesterday, I know that better things are on the way.

A look back at the top Mets prospects from 2000

Perhaps dealing with relentness negativity for weeks at a time has left me with a weakened immune system. Regardless, the result is that I have the flu. Generally I don't get sick and this is easily the worst I've felt since coming down with pneumonia back in late 2012. There's no way I can contribute [...]

Mets fans, Victor Frankl and existential analysis

Some fans equate rooting for the Mets with suffering. While not one of those people, I still don’t like to miss a chance for an article idea. So, let’s start with a quote from someone who truly suffered, Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl, who also was a neurologist and psychiatrist who aligned with existential analysis. He [...]