Several of you have reached out to me in the last week or so about issues you are having logging in to the site. It seems that this is very Mac-related in terms of who is affected. Regardless, it’s an issue that you shouldn’t have and one that’s inconvenient to me, too.

I’m not a programmer and I depend upon plugins for the functionality of the site. I test things to the best of my ability before making things go live. But I can’t possibly predict how it’s going to work on every phone, tablet, laptop and PC in existence, as well as what operating systems you have and which browsers you use.

Generally, I like running the site. I enjoy interacting with smart people and there’s no better indication of that than what’s happened the past two days with Name and the focus on prospects in deadline deals in recent club history. Name started something very interesting and then I supplied needed context and the result was an article that made every one of us better-informed fans.

That’s what I want.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is technological issues that I don’t have the ability to fix. I went to a membership site to get away from idiots. It’s far from my ideal solution to make Mets360 open to the public, even if just for a brief time while researching alternatives to the current membership plugin that’s used here.

But that’s what I’m leaning towards to stop the current problems that some members are having. My plan is to make a spreadsheet of all of the users, their membership status and for those who are on year-to-year, how much time remains in their plan. Then open up the site to everyone while I examine alternatives to what we currently have. And there are a bunch of systems to choose from, so it’s not going to be achieved in days.

Furthermore, once a new plugin is chosen, see how long the site has been open to everyone and then credit those people for that time, so no one gets cheated in any way.

However, I’m not going to do that before giving people a chance to weigh in on the matter. It’s very possible that in my frustration over the issues that I’m missing something obvious. So, here’s a chance for you to directly contact me with any thoughts you have in regards to how to handle this.

Thanks for being a member!

7 comments on “Logging in issues

  • JamesTOB

    FWIW, I can log in whenever I need to do so, but I have to log in often, maybe as much as once a week. I have a Windows computer and am running Windows 10. (I hope I don’t have to go to 11 because the changes they made were very inconvenient for me.)

    • BrianJ

      If you only have to log in once a week, you have it better than most of us. I have to do it 3-4X a week and I’ve heard from others that it’s every single time they come to the site.

  • NYM6896

    I too have had issues connecting and then when I do connect I have to hit the log in again to catch your nightly recap. As for opening up the site and not charging for it, I do not pay to belong to any other site, but saw enough value in what you brought to the table to have no issue paying. And based on what we get I would continue. What I would say is, do whatever you need to do to improve the site, and as for all those people who troll the sites and just say stupid things for the sake of saying stupid things, that a really strong administrator either reprimands or kicks out those people. Thanks for all you do. LGM

  • TexasGusCC

    I must echo 6986’s thoughts, even though he changed his moniker, LOL. I have to log in almost every time too, and sometimes after a few attempts I just give up. Lately, it’s been better. However, I know glitches happen and not once did I get that frustrated about it that I regretted trying. I knew the next time would be fine and something may just be up at that moment. Personally, I vote for no changes to the present system. We all get on, say what we have to say and read content that is informative and mind opening, and get back to our job/life.

  • BoomBoom

    I think it may be more of a google chrome issue than a mac issue. although i have no idea why or how to fix it 🙁

    Today it’s working on my mac but not on my android cell phone.

    • Brian Joura

      Chrome is my backup browser and I haven’t had problems with it. Maybe it’s Mac + Chrome that’s an issue…

      • Steve_S.

        Good morning, Brian! It’s Monday morning and I’m finally OK with my Mac + Chrome!

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