Will David Einhorn Save The Mets?

It would appear the endgame is nigh for Fred and Jeff Wilpon. The judges are convening – even as we speak – and the fate of the ownership seems a fait accompli: the Wilpons will be forced to sell their chunk of the Mets in order to pay off mammoth debts on Madoff victims, SNY-TV, [...]

Mets Then & Now: Steve Henderson and Angel Pagan

I’ve been a Met fan for as long as I can remember. I could say since 1967, but I was two-years-old and don’t really remember much. I could have been swayed to the Yankees at the time, since when people would ask me who my favorite baseball player was and I would reflexively answer “Mickey [...]

Mets Run Their Race, Despite Missing Horses

To sound like a Madison Avenue hack flak from days gone by, it’s a whole new ballgame in Flushing. This Metsian year has taken on the all-too-familiar hue of 2009 and 2010: some early hope, a crippling wave of injuries and a total capitulation to the rest of the NL once the temperature finds itself [...]

Mets’ Dog Day Afternoon: A Laugh To keep From Crying

“Contenders hate August. It’s hot, sticky and uncomfortable: the pennant races don’t start for another month. Bad teams, like the Mets, hate August. It’s hot, sticky and uncomfortable: the season doesn’t end for another month.” — Maury Allen on the 1968 Mets (just before Gil Hodges’ first heart attack), from the book The Incredible Mets [...]

Nature Of The Beast: .500 Mets Are Jekyll & Hyde

Apparently, I spoke too soon: fire the fanboy. I suppose this is what a .500 team looks like. A sublime string of wins, crisp games and smart play is followed by a ghastly stretch of boneheadism, vapid offense and corresponding losses. Baby steps, I suppose, but that doesn’t make the dour, Indian-pudding taste of these [...]

Mets’ Season Can Still Be Called A Success

I’m a fan. I’d like to think I’m a realistic, objective fan, but I know I border on being a fanboy. The Mets are my team and I root for them come hell or low wins. They say love is blind and in the world of the fanboy, it’s also deaf and dumb. I teeter [...]

Trade Deadline Finds the Mets In An Unfamiliar Position

As we rapidly approach 2011’s edition of the dreaded “Trading Deadline” (cue dramatic organ music: DUN-DUN-DUUUUUUUNNNNNH…!), the Mets are in a situation they haven’t been in since at least 2004: being courted. It only makes sense that Carlos Beltran will be traded in-season. The logical, clear-cut, business and baseball reasons have been enumerated since last [...]

Citi Night: A Met Game Odyssey – Part The Second

When I left you last time , faithful reader, I had just sworn off buying Met tickets. You may recall, I was in high dudgeon, brimming with moral outrage and righteous wrath. I vowed that my own personal boycott would force the House of Wilpon to revamp the front office, which would turn out a [...]

Citi Night: A Met Game Odyssey – Part The First

I used to be a partial season plan holder at Shea Stadium. I bought the seats in 1992, splitting a weekend plan with a friend of mine: he took Saturdays, I took Sundays. Just in time for The Worst Team Money Could Buy. Isn’t my timing exquisite? I loved those seats. Mezzanine level reserved, section [...]

Mets’ Second Half: It’s Either Sadness Or Euphoria

A Billy Joel lyric never seemed so apt. Tomorrow night (7/15), the season re-starts with a half-clean slate. This is when baseball takes on a different hue: more serious, less romantic, more about action than speculation. The stakes get raised in the second half, and the surprises of April, May and June are usually worn [...]

The Story of 2011 (So Far) As Told By Mets360

We’ve reached the halfway point of the 2011 New York Metropolitans’ baseball season, chronologically, if not statistically. The Mets sent two players to the game, one of which will play – a commendable showing for a team which had been predicted to act as the spittoon of the NL East and began the year five [...]

Where Do the Mets Go From Here?

“Walk right side? Safe. Walk left side? Safe. Walk down middle? Squish, like grape.” – Mr. Miyagi to Daniel-san in the original KARATE KID So they’ve hit a season’s high in terms of winning percentage, climbing the dizzying heights of three games over .500. So they’ve taken a second step on the way to what [...]