The 2024 Mets provide an update on ‘It ain’t over ’til it’s over’

Here we sit, waiting on the next to last game of the season, or perhaps the last game of the season. Should the Mets win one of the two games played today, they will make the 2024 Postseason. Should they win both games, they will sweep the Atlanta Braves out of the post-season. On the [...]

31 games to go

There is one month left in the season, and the New York Mets are 68-63, a pace for 84 wins, which is also on pace for missing the playoffs by 2 games or so.  Historically, the 86-win mark is the number a team needs to hit, but the team talent from pre-season forward has always [...]

Questions for David Stearns, including: Why is Mark Vientos sitting?

Have the New York Mets already decided it is “starting figuring out next year” time? Has someone in the front office decided the Mets need to be well above .500 before rolling into June, and if not, the decision to fish or cut bait must be made quickly. Even as the electrons were drying on [...]

Taking stock of the Mets after one month

Preseason predictions largely estimated the New York Mets would be a near .500 ball club. A little better if the pitching staff performed slightly better than a median forecast, but also a little worse if the rotation performed a bit more poorly. The Mets are currently 14-13 and performing about as expected. The Mets Pythagorean [...]

Pete Alonso’s $20 million arbitration salary

One of the items flying under the radar last week was the Arbitration Deadline, on Thursday January 11. The New York Mets had a half dozen players with the right service times – players between three and six years, plus Super Twos. Going to arbitration is almost universally a bad play for teams because they [...]

On how Yogi Berra missed being a career Yankee back in 1965

One baseball player trait fans admire is “played their whole career with the same team”. It is standard trivia to know Brooks Robinson and Carl Yastrzemski both spent their entire 23-year careers with the same team – that’s the record. There are 11 players, all in the Hall of Fame, that played in 20 or [...]

A zippy interview with Dan Szymborski

Dan Szymborski self-describes as “Senior Writer for FanGraphs, ESPN contributor, data provider for teams/agents, ZiPSetician, gamer, exasperating, possibly the worst. BBWAA, Digital Dandy.” Dan and I have been friends for about 27 years, discussing and arguing baseball on USENET discussion boards. He developed ZiPS, the premier projection system for 20+ years, and I developed RED, [...]